Rian Music are a group of Artists writing, producing and releasing music and music videos. They have a New Album being released early 2020 titled "4th St.".
Based in Oakland Ca., the Rian Music members are:
Rian Mac, Grammy Member, singer/songwriter, originally from Ireland moved to the Bay Area chasing his dream of letting the world share in his music. Inspired to perform music from an early age through the Fighting and Drinking songs of his traditional upbringing, Rian brings real passion to his vocals and his songwriting.
James "The Godfather" Gardiner, Grammy nominated producer and multiple instrumentalist. The Bottom line is James creates killer grooves and powerful music and also brings in his wonderfully unique string performances, approach and soulful tones to these recordings. With 50 Gold records to his name, James is a pure genius when it comes to producing music.
Victor Campos, songwriter, guitar, backing vocals. Victor blends multiple styles effortlessly and plays al

Sounds Like: U2, Peter Gabriel

Latest News

New Album Coming March 27th titled "4th Street"


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