Knockamechee Pharoh
My name is Knockamechee Pharoh. I was born in Heaven. I resided in Detroit, Michigan. I stayed there for awhile and was locked up at the age of 11 for Carrying a Concealed Weapon. It was my first crime. The Court took mercy on me. I stayed there for three days and my mother bonded me out. I went back to school and was locked up again at the age of 13 for Carrying a Concealed Weapon, Felonious Assault. This time I stayed for 6 months and they gave me probation for a year. I was living on my own at the age of 14 and was caught outside of my house with my roommate and one other guy. The neighbors called the cops because I was shooting at my friend's feet for fun. I tried to run and throw the gun but they got both my friend and me. Plus, they found drugs and other guns in the house. This was my third strike. They locked me up for drugs, evading an officer, firing a gun in a public area, and endangering the life of another. I stayed in a holding facility for a year until the trial with Judge Ramsey. My mother and a court appointed lawyer were there. The judge and lawyer both did their part. By the end of the trial, Judge Ramsey made her decision. She was going to let me go home but I had a different thing in mind. She asked if I had anything to say. I asked my lawyer if I could commit myself to the State. She said, "Yes, but why would you do such a thing?" In my mind I knew I could not go home to live with my mother and brothers because I had a price on my head. That's why they shot my mother's house up while all of us and the kids from down the street were still in the house. I was tired of living in a crazy world and felt that I wouldn't make it if I were to go back to the streets. I would be dead. So I asked Judge Ramsey if she could change her decision from letting me go home to committing me to the State. The judge said to the court reporter, "Off the record please." Then she turned to me and said, "Why would you do something like that? Is someone threatening your life?" I said, "No. I feel it would be in my best interest to stay here." So it was done. I stayed in the system until I was 19 years old. I learned alot. It has made me into the man that I am today. Now I am a man with a dream to catch and seeds to feed. Looking back at my life, I want to be remembered as a man who did things others could not do. My life will have a great impact on the future of the world. My passion is to be placed in the clouds with the prophets that walked before me. In closing, there is no way I could put my whole life on paper but I can through my music. Live, love, learn, and never forget only the strong survive. Only the brave soar. Only the lion is King. 1 Luv, 1 God, 1 Nation, 1. FEEL FREE TO GO TO MY SITE FOR FREE MP3S