My name is Dan Ban.
I'm a music Angel.
I do great pop music in the style of The Beatles , The Beach Boys and Motown music and throw in classical while your at it , Ha Ha !!!
I've written and recorded over 800 songs and still going strong.
I live in New York City but was born in sunny Hollywood California.
I play rythmn guitar , bass , sing vocals and blow a harmonica to please the nomes !!!
I produce and record my own records in glorious warm analog sound so it makes your ears happy.
As a kid , I met The Beatles , Mama & Papas and a few other music acts from the 60s.
You can see my happy face on my Youtube channel
called Bubblerock.
I have many Dan Ban music video promos and audio songs and outakes from my collection to keep you busy.
I also have a Facebook page if you want to chat with me.

I hope you enjoy my music and videos as I enjoy selling them to you. Take a listen to the songs for free and if you like , you buy , Ha Ha !!!

Love & Peace ,



This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 1 Video


Dan Ban
over 30 days ago to Dan Ban

My Bubblerock Youtube Channel - rock1

Dan Ban Friends

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