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Cosmo Iacavazzi
Rock - Indie/Low-Fi
Philadelphia, PA
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"Every door is a song"
Whether it's sarcastic outcry against an overly commercialized world or the gratitude of timeless relationships, Cosmo Iacavazzi soulfully paints an invitation to stop and be affected.
Driven to inspire through lyrics and capture by melody, Cosmo and his Martin acoustic walk the world with pen and pad. As a member of "generation X", Cosmo expresses life awakenings from childhood through fatherhood with hopeful and truthful eyes.
Raised in the NJ farms turned strip-mall lands, he was ignited by the great performers of the 70's & 80's. After college graduation in the early 90's, Cosmo learned a few chords, procured a 4-track recorder, and the obsession was set free.
With his two bands, Friday's Tribe & The Great Road, Cosmo has released 4 projects on an independent record label. These acoustic centered rock/pop albums feature over 50 songs. At least 50 more await release, and the pen keeps flowing.
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