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I greatly appreciate the stars!

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

You're welcome Flava1
LC Team


Susan Odella
over 30 days ago to Thea Kearney (Thea K)

Thanks for the stars on "Snacks and Naps", Thea - appreciated!

5 Replies
Thea Kearney (Thea K)
over 30 days ago

I love the lyrics and production! So funny and clever! Congratulations on your Dallas Songwriters Contest win!

Susan Odella
over 30 days ago

Thank you! Most of the credit on this song goes to Flava Hype, the lyricist and performer, but I was happy to be involved in this project.

Thea Kearney (Thea K)
over 30 days ago

Cool! Please tell Flava Hype I loved the song! I purchased a copy as well. Is he on Broadjam under his name? I will follow him as well!

Susan Odella
over 30 days ago

Thank you! Yes, he is!

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago

Thea, thank you so much! I appreciate the comments and the follow! I am so humbled and happy to receive an award with Susan.

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to RockHound

Rockhound, I greatly appreciate the 5 star rating for my song, "The Top."

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Susan Odella

Thank you for the PL add, Susan!

1 Replies
Susan Odella
over 30 days ago

You're welcome, Flava :)

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Barry Osbourn

I emailed you the files yesterday

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Ashley Martin

Thanks for the stars on HYCRUNKLITITIS! I appreciate that.

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Ashley Martin

Hey, Ashley, thank you for the stars on my song I'MA ROCK. I appreciate that a great deal.

Barry Osbourn
over 30 days ago to Flava Hype

I think the two songs that blew me away were Struggle is Real and Send me to my grave. I'll send you some music here in a few days and if you like it and think you can do something vocal wise over then cool, and if not, no harm no foul, I appreciate you given the listen. peace, Barry

2 Replies
Flava Hype
over 30 days ago

Aaaaah, OK. Struggle is Real is one of my favorites as far as the subject is very personal. I actually wrote the lyrics for Send me to my grave over 20 years ago! Haha! Yea, just email me what you want and if you have an idea for content for any of the music that I can center my lyrics around just let me know.

Barry Osbourn
over 30 days ago

will do, I want to remix a few things and pull out some leads so you can have a better idea of what they would be like to put vocals on, they're mixed as instrumentals right now so there's not much room for vocals but give me a few days and I'll send em your way. thanks again for considering the music.

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Ina Bravo

Yoooo, ENVIOUS is hot! Great job on production and vocals. You did your thang, Ina. Keep making this music to keep them "envious" of you. Much love.
-Flava Hype-

1 Replies
Ina Bravo
over 30 days ago

Thank you!!!!

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Barry Osbourn

Hey, Barry, I got a message from Susan Odella about some music and the possibility of working with you. I apologize if I missed a message from you about it but my email is and I would like to hear your ideas and music for what you would like for me to collab with you on.

2 Replies
Barry Osbourn
over 30 days ago

Sure thing, it was a while ago maybe about April, I totally understand, sometimes we miss emails, happens to me too. Give me a week or so to organize some of the material I had in mind and I'll get in touch. I was inspired by some of the things I heard on your page and blown away by what an amazing poet you are. seriously man, you have a gift and great insight into the human heart. I'll go look again and let you know what song of yours it was that struck me. Thanks and I'll be in touch. Barry

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago

Please do, Barry. I greatly appreciate you reaching out and considering me for a collaboration. I never know stands out to others artists so I am humbled by your acknowledgement. Yea, let me know what struck you. Thanks again.

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Kevin Leon Smith

Hey, Kevin, thank you for the stars and the PL add. I appreciate that, man.

1 Replies
Kevin Leon Smith
over 30 days ago

I better see you at the top! Ha!

Kevin Leon Smith
over 30 days ago to Flava Hype

Great choice on Fela Kuti's "Lady"! I wish I had done it!

Kevin Leon Smith
over 30 days ago to Flava Hype

Great choice on Fela Kuti's "Lady"! I wish I had done it!

3Mind Blight Music
over 30 days ago to Flava Hype

Nice Songs. Really well done.

1 Replies
Flava Hype
over 30 days ago

Thank you. I really appreciate the compliment.

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Susan Witzel

Thank you for the 5 star rating, Susan.ðŸ'Š

1 Replies
Susan Witzel
over 30 days ago

Of course!!!

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Ashley Martin

Thank you for the PL add, Ashley.ðŸ'

1 Replies
Ashley Martin
over 30 days ago

Of course, thank YOU for the song! :)

Ashley Martin
over 30 days ago to Flava Hype

Hi Flava Hype! Great job on your latest! I really like it. Wish you had posted the lyrics. Anyways, you really nailed this one, awesome, cheers, Ash

4 Replies
Flava Hype
over 30 days ago

Are you referring to "Ridin' On It?" If so, what stood out to you about the song?

Ashley Martin
over 30 days ago

Well put me on the spot! Great intro, suspenseful, I like how to break right into the hook, yes, Got a lot Ridin' on it, the recording sounds very professional, instruments/vocals are well balanced, radio ready. The song keeps moving, percussion is tight, love that little melodic blip you've got going, something my teenage girls would probably feel cool playing loud in their car :)

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago

Wow! Omg! Thank you so much Ashley. That means so much to me. The production/engineering crew deserve the credit for developing the sound and making it sound the way it does. I just helped write and provided the performance but THEY actually made the magic happen. It is always interesting to know what catches other artist's ears so thank you for reaching out to express your feelings on my song.

Ashley Martin
over 30 days ago

Yes, as I am learning, it takes a team, and I feel that way about the producer I have been working with. Although you must give yourself credit where credit is due my friend. You have some real talent, and I do love that you are humble, but never sell yourself short!

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Ashley Martin

Wow! Thanks again, Ashley. "Struggle is Real" is one of my favorite songs if mine. I appreciate the stars and am glad you like it enough to rate it so high.

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Ashley Martin

Ashley, thank you so much for the 5 star ratings on my songs! I greatly appreciate that and I hope it inspires and emcourages you to continue to do more with your music as other artists have done for me.

1 Replies
Ashley Martin
over 30 days ago

For sure Flava Hype, there is a lot to filter through on Broadjam, but you are a gem

Barry Osbourn
over 30 days ago to Flava Hype

wow Flava, You are a seriously damn good poet. The Struggle is real may be some of the most meaningful words I've ever heard. So your other song gave me an idea. The mixing blues with rap thing. I'd like a chance to collaborate with you. write you a piece of music and you can put whatever words you want over it. Something that has hip hop verse sections and a bluesy / soul chorus Two songs that come to mind are the Trill is gone by BB and There aint no sunshine When She's gone by Freddie King , I hear them in my head with the chorus the same but what if they rapped out the verses It will have an awesome tempo change. Anyway, give me a couple a weeks and I'll send you something, if you don't like no worries I'll just do something else with it . I have one song that touches on the idea but its a synthesis of Blues hip hop and rock and the structure is different, Its called Satisfy, you might check it out. and One other thing, This song The struggle is real, What if you put some pauses in the lyrics during the chorus, " Is this how its gunna be, pause, Is this how I will live out my destiny, pause, The struggle....... slowed it down a little and made just the chorus a little more soulful. I could be more powerful that way. Its such a good song man I'm just blown away by the poetry. peace. barry

Barry Osbourn
over 30 days ago to Flava Hype

I love the mix of Blues with the Hip Hop rap on send me to my grave, seems like a perfect hybrid, I wonder why no one else has ever done it< I mean blues is obviously the cultural grandparent to rap, well anyway, its nice to hear the past and the present come together in this song, what a great song!!

2 Replies
Flava Hype
over 30 days ago

Barry, thank you so much for your comment. I haven't heard anyone else really tap into that and I don't know why either. Thank you for the compliment.

Barry Osbourn
over 30 days ago

Sure thing, I'll come back another day and check out some more, gotta go right now peace!

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Kevin Leon Smith

Yo, Kevin, thank you for the stars and the PL add. I greatly appreciate the support, man.

2 Replies
Kevin Leon Smith
over 30 days ago

Yeah now, keep up the good works! I'll be taking notes! Ha!

Kevin Leon Smith
over 30 days ago

Keep grinding' out them mighty tunes, Flava!

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Hey, Diana, thank you for the stars and PL adds. I greatly appreciate that!

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Thank you for the 5 stars on my songs. I appreciate that.

1 Replies
Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome Flava!

Moneybagz Da Babyboy
over 30 days ago to Flava Hype

Can you take a listen to my music and give me a true thoughts of it

2 Replies
Flava Hype
over 30 days ago

Will do.

Moneybagz Da Babyboy
over 30 days ago

Okay Thanks

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Skulastic

Skulastic, what up? How's your world?

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Billy Pilgrim

Billy, thank you for the 5 stars for my song. I greatly appreciate that!

over 30 days ago to Flava Hype

Whats Good im S.K. from Virginia if you can check me out man i think we can work together based off your fire music!! CHECK ME OUT ASAP!!!

3 Replies
Flava Hype
over 30 days ago

OK. I'll check you out and we can see what we can come up with! Thanks for reaching out.

over 30 days ago

Ok hmu

over 30 days ago

yo what's good?

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to The Cut Soundtracks

Hey, Ian, thank you so much for the playlist add and the 5 *'s. I greatly appreciate that.

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