Son Roberts

Son Roberts

From BLUES BLAST Magazine UK: "Playing the Blues for many artists is a lifelong journey of discovery and development very often in relative obscurity. Regional masters abound all over the globe unable to sustain themselves through their art, but with no less talent or artistic perspective then those lucky enough to climb higher on the professional food chain. Toronto’s Son Roberts seems to be one of these vital artists. His third independently released album Three’s A Charm is a charismatic collection of music with a unique perspective and voice. In the promotional material it is noted how Son “doesn’t make much of a living from the Blues, he seeks to make a contribution by creating music inspired by this life and this time.” This is the philosophy of a Blues lifer who has to create the music in spite of financial realities.

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New Kinda Christmas song NOW on

Son Roberts' "New Kinda Christmas" is actually old fashioned. It's not about "trinkets, trash and toys," it's about getting together to "share some joy." And yes, "Jesus" does rhyme with "Visas." This original track features music and lyrics by Son Roberts and Dave "Junior" Boire, with background singing and shenanigans from Chloe Watkinson, Gail Roberts and Kate Roberts. It's all captured in a cinematic video by R J Maloney ("I'm Not an Indian" CRAVE TV) and Son Roberts. Happy Holidays!

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Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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