
Here you'll find my catalog of songs I wrote, performed and produced.

Also included are songs from a special project called BEIER. These songs were written and produced by yours truly and my nephew Joe Beier.

Thank you for stopping by!

Latest News

New Song!

I just released a new song called "My Saving Grace." You'll find it at the top of the song list.

Tom Beier

Tom Beier is an accomplished vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, producer and Billboard Song Contest winner. His work is featured on records, television, and ad campaigns worldwide.

"I started at three years old singing, making up songs on a ukulele, banging on drums, moving onto piano, organ and programming synthesizers. I've always been fascinated by music, bringing a unique approach to the projects I'm called upon to perform on."

Currently Tom operates BEIER Rhythms, his music production & publishing company based in Florida. He also plays keyboards and sings for the rock band SHORT CIRCUIT playing numerous live shows up and down the Space and Treasure coasts of Florida.

contact: tombeier@verizon.net


This Artist has 5 Albums


Tom Beier
over 30 days ago to Tom Beier

Thank you!

2 Replies
Scott Taylor
over 30 days ago

Hey Tom Beier, There's a lot of talent here, great vocals, writing, songs sound great. May have met you or your band at some point back in the mid 1980's? I'm a guitar player. It would have been in Miami area though, if you've ever played out there. Keep it up! Scott.

Tom Beier
over 30 days ago

Hi Scott,
Thank you very much for your nice comments. Yes, I did live in Miami back then. The band was Sunlending. Did we meet at a gig?

Avatar Music Productions
over 30 days ago to Tom Beier

Really enjoyed this one!

Sharon Hope Robinson
over 30 days ago to Tom Beier

Thanks for the connect request.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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