Barry Thompson

Barry Thompson


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Hi- Enjoyed listening to some of your songs-- I will say you have a knack for capturing/focusing a certain vibe and feel in each tune which is good "magic" in terms of soundtrack versus top-40 hit... - not overproduced or over-thought -- something I can learn from... Otherwise the guitar work in your version of Summer (Summertime) is fantastic...

1 Replies

Barry, you are a gentleman and a scholar!
Thanks for the kind words; they are well received!
Much success to you!
LC Team

Hi Barry,
It's a been a minute since I've visited your page... I'll have a listen to a tune or two while I'm here.

I just wanted to say thanks for listening Ing and reviewing "When I'm With You". I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment!

Thanks again and have a great day... be safe and well!


2 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

My pleasure, I enjoyed the listen--- I do have a new one "The Last Of Me" which is a more emotional piece, quite different than my other recent tunes, always a risk to go sad with a song!! Keep creating !!!

over 30 days ago


Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Barry thanks for the great review of Google it! Mrs Kate

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

I enjoyed it, clever and musically fun.

Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago to Jim Aitken

Hey Jim Aitken-- thanks for the listen and the stars on my new song "The Last Of Me" --- much appreciated... have a great weekend and keep creating!!!

1 Replies
Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

I like good music. You fit the bill!
I see my song, One Night Stand" has just secured No.1 on the Earth Chart here!

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Barry, just listened to your newest song, there's a few pitchy places in the vocals, that need to be fixed, but it's got some really funny lines, great comedic country tune!! I was reviewing your Bio and you have some really serious Companies plugging your material, very cool!!
Art Corey...............

2 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

I appreciate the comment coming from a prolific artist/combo like yourselves.... I'm coming off a medical issue that paralyzed my throat so vocals are a weak spot of late, can only record them a piece at a time over days.... I am having fun with it either way --- -- references to all the published stuff from music companies is mostly instrumental and not on Broadjam here due to their rights of distribution -- but the relationships were initiated here on Broadjam.... and for all the effort and volume of tunes I probably average only $40-50 in royalties a quarter --- yes the music biz is alive and well !!!!! haa haa Thanks again Art!!!!

Barry I saw your post about your throat. Try coffee with honey and lemon, yes lemon in it. works for me in the studio and changes my mediocre voice to more Elvis Presley! ha ha! Good Luck! catnip=+=

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

"Full of Beer" is in same mode as 'Lift up a Bottle"!
I like your great lyrics!

"Dream with me" is different from others I have heard? Shows your sensitive side!
You are a multi talented artist!
Sure, we should listen to each others craft.
I do not have many songs, since I wrote and recorded my first song (and maybe best) "The Promise" in 2021. So, it will not take you long to hear them.

2 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

Thank you Jim-- Very kind comments..... I enjoy trading listens with you and I know I have had one or more of yours come up in review process, I will make it a point to hear more on your list. Have a great day!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Likewise Barry, I've enjoyed your songs and will obviously hear more!
Appreciate the stars for my two songs!
Sing on brother!

christine schimanski
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Thanks Barry for your review of my song "What's It All About". Have a wonderful and successful year! Christine

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

My pleasure I enjoyed the listen --- keep creating and all the best to you

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hi Barry,
Thanks for the nice review of "I Know". Yeah, not really radio material, but I haven't listened to much radio in decades. Need to revisit the horn parts was glitching on the outro...
Thanks again,

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

Hey-- I enjoyed the listen --- and the only radio I listen to is playing the same song lists I heard in the 60-70's ........

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hey Barry, Glad you got a kick out of Wanda the Wiper. It's actually a true story from one of my tours. Her name was really Elaine Mason. I had to track her down by internet search, but I finally found her and sent her the CD with her 8 years after my visit to her restaurant. She was pretty thrilled to be immortalized in my song. Always fun to perform! Mrs. Kate

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

Haaa- nice to know the real story!

Hi Barry,
Thanks so much for the review and meaningful comments on "I Like His Kinda Luvin". I really appreciate you truly listening and providing perspectives that reflect your level of listening/interest.

Thanks again... and be well!

And while I'm here, I'll check out some more of your music.... it's been a while.


1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

My pleasure I enjoyed the listen--- keep creating!!

Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago to SKY HIGH MUSIC LABS

Hello "Sky High" Folks --- Thanks for the review of "We Just Used To Drive"....... I appreciate the vote of confidence from someone steeped in the biz... I self-produce all my stuff in a home studio so the goal is to sell the song... not consider the production as top commercial quality --- I am glad you understand an artist's song crafting and not nit-pick over the production.... (even though I know I can make is sound pretty damn good... :) ) I am going to listen to some of your stuff this morning....

George Michael John
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hey Barry,
Thanks for the great review of My Own Worst Enemy, much appreciated! There is another, heavier version of that tune on my page about half way down. The vocalist thought it would be fun to post a couple of versions.

3 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

Hey-- my pleasure I enjoyed the tune -- I will listen to the other version soon.... Keep creating!!

Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

Hey George I listened to the hard version ---- loved it --- 5-stars all the way, very well arranged and produced--- in my opinion plucked right out of the 80's-90's rock era

George Michael John
over 30 days ago

Hey Barry,
Thanks for checking it out! That was the original idea and my fav. I'm def a 70's 80's 90's rock guy although I do tend to wander into other territory. Thanks again for listening and the kind words!

Hey there thanks for the review of "we just used to drive" --- I listened to your stuff and really really like the range of material and in particular the short sound beds that set a mood and feel---- I hope you have good luck, keep creating and thanks again!

1 Replies
Kevin Desire/Cholinga Praise
over 30 days ago

Hello Barry; you're welcome, and thanks. Stay safe and have a great week.

over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hi Barry, Thanks for reviewing The Storm. I'm happy you liked it. Each song is hard as I write and perform all the vocals and instruments. Keep rocking out and we'll talk soon...

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

I enjoyed the listen and I can 100% relate to the self-production atmosphere--- I play everything on my recordings except sometimes have a drummer and hired a horn-ace on one tune..... it is an art and labor of love all in itself to write/perform/engineer/and produce work.... enjoy it!!

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hi Barry. Thanks for the review of Bushwhacking Blues. True story! Mrs Kate

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

That song is so you--- I'm glad it came up in my review time!!!! Have a great 2024 - i'm hoping to drop new tunes soon---

over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hi Barry... this is TK aka.. Tony Keys of BroGreede...I wanted to reach out and say thanx for your review and high rating of "UNDERSTAND ME"...I really appreciate it!.. I visited your site and have to say...very impressive with your background and talent! I'm going to give a closer listen!..Anyway ...thanx so very much. I'm the last original /founding member of BroGreede..just trying to keep the torch alive! BroGreede has been a member of Broadjam since 2001...however after my brother passed I didn't continue on Broadjam till about 2 months 99% of the tunes on our site are from the inception..about 1999!. The only newest tune I did solo is "RISE UP MY ANGEL"...which I was compelled to write during the Pandemic.! Please give a listen when ya can!. I'm currently looking for some musicians who have the same passion for collaborating & creating music! That's what BroGreede is all about! I just wanted to share this info with ya!!....Good luck to you and I'll be listening!....:)

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

Hey there-- I appreciate the insight into your realm--- I have been on Broadjam for many years but had a looong break while I earned a living and put kids thru school --- so last year I am basically retired and came back I and can dedicate time to creating so many songs that I have scratched out but not recorded yet --- pure fun..... I am glad you are back at it I can suppose your brother would want you to engage and create ---- I have a brother who is a phenomenal drummer, we have played together since 5th and 6th grade --- he is on some of my tunes.... so I know that bond and cannot imagine losing it..... Gald to get to know you here and will listen more of your stuff and lets trade listens when we drop anything new.

Happy New Year Barry. Thanks for your kind review of "No Man Blues". I appreciate the feedback, it's very helpful. The best to you in life and music brother.

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

I enjoyed the listen!!! Keep creating.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hi Barry,
Thanks for the 5's for "Space In Between".

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

My pleasure I enjoyed the listen... Keep creating! I will drop you a new one of mine that is in the works once completed.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hi Barry,
Thanks for the 5's for Pale Vanilla Moon.
Mr. Bill

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

I enjoyed the tune----- best of luck to you!

Hi Barry,
Thanks so much for the review and detailed/useful comments on my song "AM Jam".

I appreciate you taking the time to listen and to provide meaningful feedback.

It's been a while since I listened to some of your stuff, so I'll pay a visit and have listen.

Thanks again... be and stay well,

2 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

My pleasure I enjoyed the tune... Keep creating!! I have some newer stuff so give a listen if you can.. Thanks

Will do... thanks.

over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hi Barry,
Many thanks for a kind review of Homesick, I'm glad you enjoyed it.


2 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

My pleasure, a good tune.... keep creating!!!

over 30 days ago

Thank you.

Thanks Barry for nice score and review of "Tin Pan Alley". It has had successful TV and Movie placements so your insight was spot on.

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

My pleasure I enjoyed the listen and appreciate the purposeful crafting of the piece as a mood-setter

over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hey Barry thanks so much for the great review of "Bye Bye Blackbird" As this is a cover of an old song from 1926 which is also considered a jazz standard I was hesitant to post it for review as it's not an original. I just felt compelled to record it for some reason. I was hoping for the kind of feedback that you gave me. I'll probably tuck it away somewhere on the off chance that someday there might be a use for it. Thank you so much again for the review. Scott

2 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

I honestly did not connect to the original---- I do like the fact that it is a remake of a classic done in (what I hear as) a unique out of the box way-- I think that makes it even more suitable for a movie/tv scene where there is some lightness or even comic aspect to a goodbye-situation..... anyway, great creativity

over 30 days ago

Thank you so much Barry I still don't know what was pushing me to record it but I'm happy I did. Thanks again man.

over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

That's a coincidence Barry, I've just sent you a message! Thank you for a great review of The Moonlight.

Much appreciated,


over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hey Barry thanks so much for the great review of "Empty Bottle" now that's how a review should be done. It is greatly appreciated and much needed. haha Thanks again my friend and all the best. Scott

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

My pleasure-- I enjoyed the tune, good luck with it

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Barry thanks for the review on when mama says no. Hope you are doing well. Mrs Kate

over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hi Barry,

Many thanks for the stars for Remember Last Summer, greatly appreciated.


Pat- I appreciate your review and commentary on "We Just Used To Drive".... I have happened to reviewed some of your stuff in recent months and love how your pieces have a character all your own. Friend request accepted.

2 Replies
Patrick E. Muth/Catnip Pat
over 30 days ago

Thanks Barry! Ive been on here for 19 years and its rare someone with your talent bursts on the scene. Wondering if you are using studios or done in your home studio. We've come so far it's hard to tell anymore! Pat

Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

I have been a member since 2005 but skipped a decade or so as real job and responsibilities take over -- now I am "pre-tired" and back into the studio... I have a humble project studio, actually still using an old-school Korg DAW but have great mics and pre amps... no digital samples or unlimited tracks --- work and bounce among 16 tracks. All instruments and vocals are me, once in a while have a drummer or horn player contribute.. thanks for asking, keep on creating!!!

over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hi Barry,
Many thanks for a kind review of Dance Hall Of Dreams, I'm glad you liked it. (I agree about the formulaic side of modern country, so many songs sound like each other and the backing style has become both predictable and interchangeable from song to song.)

1 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

Hey Bob--- My pleasure, I enjoyed the listen.... Best of luck!

Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago to Kirk Williams

Here is a friendly tip from a long standing community member with a catalog of commercial placements- Don't give a song 17 out of 50 and have nothing critical to offer but hair-splitting items around "tightening production"... -- for the most part we are songwriters on this site... not production studios -- Consider lyrics, melody, arrangement, emotional arc, etc... I suggest you listen to Broadjam top ten lists and understand the top quality stuff here to use as a reference.... appreciate the totality of song-craft.

4 Replies
Kirk Williams
over 30 days ago

I have my opinion and that is all I can do. When I mentioned production, I meant all production. I can appreciate you being long standing community member and that's great but has nothing to do with the song. Lastly, if someone has given you a 50 then go with that. As you know, everyone has an opinion and it's just that. I mean no disrespect.

Kirk Williams
over 30 days ago

I also need to add that I am sure you hear a night and day difference when comparing to Beverly's Jump. The vocal timing, eq, panning down the middle vs slight right, melody and energy (note the low mid roll off thay makes your voice just pop vs. a karaoke sound) how glued together the mix is while still maintaining seperation and space? A totally different song. A 42 out of 50 for sure.

Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

Without me paying a dime to Broadjam for extra promotion, The 17/50 song is currently #1 on the following Broadjam lists: "Earth" "Country" "North America" "USA" "Connecticut" and currently #5 on "Uptempo" and "Male Vocal".... none of these lists seem concerned with the "delay on the lead" or "Effect on the vocal"... because it is about the craft of the song..... This is what you miss as a reviewer.... Otherwise you don't have to like my song, it is more about considering my advice, which as a long standing member comes with solid insight. BTW even your comment on Beverly's Jump has nothing to do with the crafting of the song....

Kirk Williams
over 30 days ago

Sure thing Barry. Best of luck with the song crafting.

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