Uncle Spider & The Electric Dirt Clods

Uncle Spider & The Electric Dirt Clods

Multi Genre Songwriter
Text @ 509  699-5318

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“Hide Your Eyes” was selected by SongwriterUniverse, as one of the top 5 songs of the month for March 2023

“Like A Fool I Say” was selected by SongwriterUniverse, as one of the top 5 songs of the month for January 2023

“We Say I Love You” was selected by SonwriterUniverse,as one of the top 5 songs of the month for December 2022

March 2022, In the last six months, these songs have been in rotation on the North Central Washington country radio.
I Must Have Kissed An Angel
With No Goodbye
I Won't Be The One 
Hide Your Eyes 

Been really great to hear our work air between the big names of country music.


AM FM & Indie Radio


Your song Bad Moves made think of a song my wife and her brother wrote and recorded when she was 12 years old! They are both singing on this. I made the slideshow for it! They wrote many songs together but her brother Dan Hartman wrote a lot of hits for a lot of top artist. The song is called Bad Movies! https://www.facebook.com/1000741411 96370/videos/943874296279287

Nice song guys, very catchy!!! Loved it!!! Rusty and Spark (Signal 30)

Great song guys!!! Keep it up! Give us more!!! Rusty and Spark

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