Frank Pietrantoni (aka FrankLP)

Frank Pietrantoni (aka FrankLP)

I'm a self-taught composer/musician working with some great vocalists and fellow musicians. I'm a member of ASCAP and performed professionally for 15+ years in various local and touring bands.

I've composed/produced music for corporate/commissioned productions and released an 8 song all-original Christmas CD many a mistletoe ago.

I'm grateful to have won Broadjam's Hot 100 May 2022, & to have other works earn various Broadjam Top 10 placements, been finalists or earned honorable mentions.

My wife Jane and I both have a passion for being creative. Jane has written the lyrics on several of the songs published here on Broadjam.

Although we can't always control the things that impact us, we can always control how we choose to react! Choose to be Positive!!

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Here's What's Been Happening

Songwriter, Composer, Producer

Songwriter, Composer, Producer: 1980-Present

Band Manager: 1991-1997 (Hip2Hip)

Professional musician: 1978 to 2002 (Odyssey Star, Bits-n-Pieces, Casino, Mach Phonics, Betty & Dupree, Hip2Hip, 36T5).


It's a raker of a song, "I Believe"!
It starts with a strong melody and just builds in music and intensity to a crescendo and unexpected heights!
You are a not bad singer Frank!
Yeah it's worth the five stars!

1 Replies

Great to hear from you again Jim!!

Thanks so much for the five stars my friend, and in full transparency, that's not me singing. I've just started using ACE Studio to create vocals on my latest stuff (this one and Walk It Back).

While I always prefer to have real singers, for these "pet projects" and having little to no funding for singers/musicians, ACE allows me to finally get my ideas completed. Then if any of my songs ever do show promise/interest, than I can explore a deeper investment in live singers/musicians.

But these AI Singer Platforms truly are a game changer for me... I love to write/record songs but can't sing to save my life and can't hire singers for every tune I come up with... so this really does it for me!

Thanks again for listening Jim... as always, your feedback is detailed and thoughtful.

I'll have a listen to some more of your stuff today.

Be and stay well!


Hey Frank...just finished listening to your "Memories Of Joanne"....absolutely blew me away!! Hopefully you read my review!( there isn't a 10/10!?) Not only was it outstanding in many ways.. this composition to me... is a masterpiece of imagination / orchestration! And when I read what it was all floored me! It's a long and sad story! There was a Joanne that my wife & I had the pleasure of knowing. She was a great neighbor and a very special woman to us and anyone who ever had the pleasure of knowing her!! Unfortunately she passed away due to an inop. brain tumor! May she rest in peace!! And a special thank you to you Frank for bringing her back into memory!!...Your Tops!!!
Your fan
Anthony Z

1 Replies

Thank you for listening and sharing your story of "your" Joanne! I'll bet she was very happy and grateful to have such a great neighbor in you all.

Thanks again for listening... have a great one!!


Hey Frank, Thanks so much for the 5-star review of my instrumental, "Berkshire Spring". It comes for my instrumental album, "Peak To Peak". It is an instrumental lift from a song with lyrics. Something I always do so I have an instrumental track if a supervisor, editor, director, producer or library likes the track. The version with lyrics is VERY nice and is entitled, "The Secrets Of Life". I think you will like it. Alas, like most of my other work, it never gets picked for any awards or any other uses. Still, I keep just writing and producing. CONGRATS on winning the HOT 100 CONTEST...yours was a great track and deserved the recognition. Keep up the good work. Best, Chet Nichols

1 Replies

Thanks Chet... great idea on creating instrumentals of your vocal pieces. I really enjoyed Berkshire Spring... great piece.

And I know what you mean about pieces not getting selected... that's with my stuff too. But I keep writing and recording because that's just what I love to do! :)


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