
Song Length 4:48 Genre Rock - Alternative, Rock - Modern
Tempo Medium (111 - 130) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Anxious, Tense Subject Fear, Danger
Similar Artists Soundgarden, Creed Language English
Era 2000 and later


A burning in my chest, a moment just to breathe
A life I undertake, a life one can't believe
Little beknown of the man, the man in the trees
Eyes of an eagle, sent to hunt after me

Hold my head up to the sun, raise my sword into the air
Scream the cries of a million voices, and the seasons I have to bear.

One thing that I must tell you, as the stars begin to fade
That you are the next in line, to fight with the tip of your blade
I forgive what your hands have done, but now we have to fight

Never forget this one thing, the monsters come out at night

Hold my head up to the sun, raise my sword into the air
Scream the cries of a million voices, and the seasons I have to bear.
And I know the pain you feel, you've been pushed over the edge
And now you've lost that guiding light, one more season,
You have to bear

Hold my head up to the sun, raise my sword into the air
Scream the cries of a million voices, and the seasons I have to bear.
And I know the pain you feel, you've been pushed over the edge
And now you've lost that guiding light, one more season,
You have to bear

Lyrics Anthony Porter Music Anthony Porter/Billy Purnell
Producer Billy Purnell Publisher Anthony Porter/Billy Purnell
Performance Anthony Porter

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