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Hey Chet thanks so much for the positive review of "I can play the blues forever" your thoughts are always appreciated. I have some big plans for that song but we'll see if I ever get to it. haha Thanks again my friend.
Hey Mrs. Kate! Thanks for the wonderful review of my song, "The Sands Of Time"...... You are one of the few who have "gotten" this song for what it was, is and can be....AKA a funeral song..... I also think it is a fine song to ponder when pondering the passing of life in general. I put more time and re-writes into this song than any other song I have written. I was inspired to write it after my brother died, three of my best friends of died....suddenly. They ware a crushing losses. When I finished the final mix and went and asked my wife to read the lyrics then I was going to have her listen to the song. She stopped me and said, "I have to tell you something, Leslie just passed away". Leslie was my oldest brother's first wife who had been suffering for a while. She was like my older sister and a very good friend. She loved my music and encouraged me to keep writing. Anytime I was in Chicago playing a club or one tour, she and my brother were there. When I opened for John Denver, my brother Brought his camera and took picture of me playing the show. Anyway, her loss was very hard to take. She and my brother moved to LA where he became one of the top film directors in town, but LA kinda ate him up and he died suddenly when he was 45. Same age as my dad. He was my main mentor, as I grew older. They had two wonderful sons, who still live in LA and I don't speak top them. They don't want to talk to me because I am a conservative Catholic. Anyway, I would visit with Leslie when I went to LA. She was my buddy and an amazing lady. After she and my brother divorced, she started going out with a "musician and songwriter". She kept saying, "You know, Chester, you need to meet him". For some reason, I balked at it, over and over. Then during one of my production visits to LA, she invited me to a party at his house and insisted I come to it. I said, "OK", she gave the time and address and it was on a Sunday afternoon and drove over to the house. He lived in a part of LA that I had never been to. I thought I had taken a couple wrong turns as I tried to find the house. I was shocked when I arrived at this stately, huge mansion. I thought I might have the wrong address. Anyway, I walked up and rang the bell and no one answered, but I could hear a party was going on outside in the back, so I just walked in. This house was like a dream. Huge living room that had TWO Steinway CONCERT GRANDS in the living room with room to spare. OMG....then I walked to back where they was a lively group having a good time. Leslie saw me and came over and introduced me to everyone. It was like a dream. I went into the house and had the bartender mix me a margarita....and then went back into the living room. I WANTED TO PLAY one of those pianos. So, I sat down and started to play a song, "Earth River". The piano sounded other worldly. I had my eyes closed and when I opened them, there stood Leslie's boyfriend, a dark-haired woman and Leslie...just standing there smiling at me. I stopped playing. Her boyfriend, asked, "Did you write that?" I said, "Yes". "I told you," Leslie stated and she went outside. Her boyfriend and the dark haired lady move over to me and asked, "Can you play another song?" So, I did. At that point, they came over and we started to talk about songwriting, and what I was doing, and was I still writing....and then he said, "Well, Chester, I don't know what you are doing, but you should still be writing. If you stopped, start again and start now. You have it". We chatted for awhile and then we went outside and joined the party. The dark haired lady was a woman named, Diane Warren. Diane Warren. Leslie's boyfriend was, Michael Masser. He WAS famous for writing songs for Whitney Houston and wrote many of his songs for Leslie. Amazing story. el_Masser Anyway, when I got back to Chicago, I strung up my guitars with new strings, bought a Fender bass, bought a Yamaha workstation, some mics and a Tascam recorder and started to try and learn to write again. It was a very emotional time for me....and a huge struggle because my film production business was thriving and Nancy and I had two sons we were dedicated to raising. Moreover, I had been royally screwed by the music bizz in my career and touring days. But, still I found time to write and it all came back to me. And I do it now everyday and whenever I can and I love doing it. Sadly though, I have NEVER placed a song with another artist, and have had only one SYNC deal...ever. ONE. And get nothing back from it. Then, again, I loved it. I know my family thinks I am a little bit crazy, but the weird talent, voice and whispers haunt me. So, I just do it. I decided to beat back all the "can'ts" I hear on the outside and on the inside and just silence them with two words: I CAN. Anyway, I am so glad you like that songs and respond favorably to so many of my others. You are an inspiration. Keep up the good work God bless you.....really.....God bless you. Chester
Hey Kate, thanks for the nice review of my song, "Judas Spy"! It WAS recorded "Live" at "Cowtown Ballroom in KC, MO back in 1972. That was last century! I went into my account and ADDED the lyrics. The song is about, well, SPIES! It was actually inspired by a guy I knew in Kansas, who worked for the FBI as a NARC....when I found out he was trying to entrap me.... he left town on the middle of the night, as I had fans who were out to "get him". I ran into once at a song festival in Crested Butte that I was playing at. he "excused" himself and went to the rest room and NEVER came back.... Later, I found out he went to Santa Barbara.... Spies, spies, spies.....
Hey David, Nice to meet you. Thanks for the review of my song, "Paradise". This is a recording from 1974, recorded solo at Wally Heider's Studio in San Francisco. It was supposed to be part of my third album for Kama Sutra, but the record Compnay was sold and I got caught in the then corporate entanglement.... but I held on to the tune. I do a lot of soundtrack orchestration and other genres that lean acoustic. These days my sync clients are really looking for more of that and they are turning away from BEATS...they want real drums... I've been told not to use AI on anything or it will be rejected. Just got a 2 album sound-track album with Warner's with those instructions. Interesting. They like it simple.... anyway, Just sharing what I hear. Hope you are doing well. I checked out a few of your tracks and they are great.... Best, Chet Nichols
Really enjoyed the guitar track, the vocals, the Keziah Jones feel to it. Using AI is rather pointless ... I tried, well it works but it never generates something really original. This may evolve over time though. It's hard to have something synced today, it will probably get harder as some productions / studios will go for an easy cheap way to generate background music I guess
oh BTW, we kinda met before as I already reviewed some of your tracks and you reviewed some of mine as well ;)
It is VERY hard to get anything SYNC-ed these days because there is SO Much music available...and what my sources are saying is, "Because it is all sounding 'the same', they are looking for more authentic, unique sounding tracks"...that is why they are using so much vintage material these days. The ultimate choice comes from directors and producers and the sound editors....they are a different bunch. I know, because I used to do that for 40 I just do music....well, sorta....I do DO my wife's "Honey-DO-List", too. I was in LA several moons ago and they had these huge dumpsters behind a famous recording studio that were the final resting places of TONS of discarded CDs, tapes, name it. Actually quite shocking and unnerving.
Music placement is still a rather new business to me as making music has never been my daily job. I've spent years trying to make it big as an amateur musician in a rock band (never happened of course) so I've been switching from the process of writing regular rock albums to one shot instrumentals based on specific requirements but right from the start I considered that having something picked up for sync was like winning the lottery. Yes, it can happened but you've got 1 chance over millions :) (which is as much as the chance to become a rock star after all)
Amen.....but, I was born with it under my skin.....
Hey Ravenscott, Thanks for the 5-stars for my instrumental version of my song, "I Come From Chicago".....and I DO! There is a version with lyrics and vocals, which I think you will like, as it has a unique lyrical path it takes. Of course, like you, I play all the parts....etc. I wrote that song in 1966 and it has gone thru numerous versions. You will also like, "Ice Cream Man", too.... I wrote it in I was way ahead of a bunch of other imitators. Tom Waitts heard me play it at a show in Boston when I was on a solo-tour in the mid 60's and wanted to change a couple words and become a co-writer. I said, "Ahhhh, naw". So, I inspired his version. Here is the like at Broadjam: nichols/ice-cream-man Keep on plucking: Uncle Chesty
You got it Chet! You definitely know how to write some great music and I love your blues, you have what I call the real feel for it. I will be checking out those songs you mentioned for sure. Keep the hits coming my friend. Scott
Hi Chet. I appreciate your review of my song Lonely Alone. Thanks for making me aware that it was listed as a classical song. Changed it to Country! I was clicking on the rate the review and meant to click all 5's but accidentally hit one 4 by mistake. It wouldn't let me change it. Thanks again!
Hey Bud, My pleasure. I am here to help. Saw the "4" and decided to sell all my equipment and dive into being grave digger instead of a musician. Similar avocations, eh? Happy New Year, buddy.... Love you work.... Uncle Chesty
LOL!! Happy new year to you and all of yours!
Hey Bud, I just uploaded a new single. It is an older-tune I re-mixed by request of a well-known star.... tell me if you like it. It is called, "A Heartbeat Away" (Single). I recorded this a few years back. After I had suffered a devastating vocal experience when a virus attacked my vocal cords and paralyzed them and I could NOT sing at all. Heartbreaking at the time, but I had a good doctor and vocal therapist, but was eventually left to my own re-habbing, because they didn't know if I would sing again. My doctor had worked with Adele, Paul McCartney, Elton John, Robert Plant and others. So, I created my own vocal re-hab which consisted of me singing "the Rosary" to the Blessed Mother after hearing a "whisper" to do so, as I drove to work daily. So, that is what I did when I went to and from work in my commute. After 2 years, I was ready to try to sing again. So, I picked this song that had not been finished and crossed my fingers, warmed up my throat, set up a mic, cued up the song and hit RECORD and sang it all the way through. Singing thru the tears during the last modulated chorus. Then I set the song aside and didn't listen to it, as I felt it wasn't very good. Then I revisited the track last week when I was recording it, again as a country version and also doing a solo version for a client.... and I dug up up the older version I had recorded and didn't listen to and I just re-mixed it....which took a bit of work, as all I had was a stereo track from an 8-track ADAT mix. Anyway, can you give it a listen and tell me what you think? At this point, it is a good as I can make it.... Here is a link: nichols/a-heartbeat-away-single Thanks, in advance, Uncle Chesty
PS Sorry for calling you "Bud" eyes are going too, Buc..... LOL
Hey. Sorry for the delay getting back to you. The link didn't work but I did find the song in your play list. It sounds good. You've got a very high range! Sounds like your voice healed up good! I listened to it a couple of times. Good tune! It actually gave me an idea for another song! I started messing with some lyric ideas! When I have more time I'll listen to more of your catalog!
Happy Holidays Chet! Thanks for the 5 stars on "But I don't know!" Recorded in Memphis with guitarists Greg Redding and Richard Orange from Black Oak Arkansas a while back! I always enjoy your stuff--you seem to have the magic formula no matter what genre you're working in. Keep on truckin! Pat
Hey Patrick! Meeerrry Christmas to you. Hope Santa is good to you. Thanks for the note. I listen to songs differently than most. First filter is "the intent of the song"....and I go from there. Blessings.... Chester
Very cool and wise! Back at ya times 10! catnip=+=
Hey Pat....I don't think you look at your pvt. messages!?-especially the one I sent ya on did a review on my "BroDiablo"...and I left ya a nice reply...anyway...doesn't matter...just stopping by to wish you and your family a very Happy...Happy...Merry...Merry X-Mas and Happy New Year-wishing you continued musical success in the coming year!! Tony Z-BG
Big thank you for the stars Chet. You take care pal.
Why on earth would you like TWO of my songs? Only TWO...I have hundreds! All kidding aside, thanks for the warms my finger-tips... Happy Turkey Day.... we're having prime rib!
Lol! Happy Thanksgiving!!
LOL.... that's my middle name....
Hi there Chet, Wow... BJ cued up one my older ones for you! Thanks so much for taking the time to listen to my song Shot From The Backseat. That one is from a time when I was using reel-to-reel tape and jammed 8 (or more) tracks onto 1/4" tape!! I appreciate the kind review and your open mind!! ;) Be safe and well! Frank
Your instrumental! You fool me like the beatles did! All Over the Place! Chet You are amazing! Cheers! Pat
Thanks, at my age, I write all over the place....LOL...but my wife will not let me write on the walls.... hmmm. Oh, listen to this... it is a recent :55 min and 62-track orchestration I did for one of my long-time clients. BE SURE TO WEAR GOOD HEADPHONES. This is a :10 minute preview....the longer version is available..... Pretty cool. It will make you crown Chakra SPIN! health-mt-shasta-rhapsody
Hi Chet! Just reviewed "Backstage" Reeal Nicce tune! Just what the doctor ordered! You are a man of many sounds and talents! catnippat
Mee-oow, Mr Cat....thanks for the great review and kind words. Glad you liked the tune. There is a version with lyrics that is on my new album, "Laurel Canyon".... and, of course, there is an instrumental version too. Hope all is well and MERRY CHRISTMAS....etc etc etc.... Best, Chester PS Here is my new Christmas song, 'My Town At Christmas" is now up at Broadjam, too! own-at-christmas
Thank you chet , much appreciated.
You are welcome.... Chet
I really love the sound you have. Your songwriting is great.
Thank you, sir..... keep on keeping on. Oh, I also do a lot of electro-orchestral work too.... Check out the song, "Caravan To Orion".... pretty cool. 65/caravan-to-orion Best, Chet.....
I absolutely will take a listen to it. Have a blessed evening.
Chet Thank you so much for your 5* review it left me chocked up in a good way. PIP was one of m
Neighbours dogs he went last week as my neighbour doest keep well I don't know how long she will survive without him
Hi again Chet, Ya got another one of mine! Thanks so much for the review of "Frankie's Philadelphia Friday". As always, I do appreciate the time you take to listen and provide such useful feedback. Your insights were correct... that song was intended to be a lyrical song, but I never built it all out, so just kept it a short piece for potential licensing applications. Thanks again... and I'll check out some of your new stuff again. Be and stay well, Frank
You are most welcome, Frank. Really great work...always enjoy your work! Chet PS Check out my new songs. I have a new single, "The Last Riders On Route 66"..... fun tune. And THEN....(drumroll).....check out my new ALBUM, "Laurel Canyon"! I have been working on for about a year. These are mostly older songs. I finally found them. They are the DEMO tracks I recorded to get my first deal with Kama Sutra. I went on to recording them with more production, but I remember being told that, at some point, I should release them as a solo collection because they sounded so real and authentic. I finally found them and it took a LOT of time to do a measure-by-measure sonic SCRUB to gee them to where they are now. They are mostly all solo vocal-guitar tracks with no processing. I got a very nice reply from a fellow songwriter who said, "Man, I have been looking for music like this. Simple, honest and intimate"......Spot on with my intentions.
Yeah, I think I've listened to a few already are those the ones that have the (LC) after each one? Those are really nicely done, and I agree they're very simple, and authentic sounding. It's great that you're able to put those together like that... really lends itself to focusing on the lyrics and melodies. Great stuff! I'll check out more over the next couple days. Thanks again for listening to my stuff, I really appreciate your perspectives because I respect your songwriting and the work that you have done and are continuing to do! Be and stay well, Frank
Hi Frank, Thanks for the reply, glad you like the tunes. (LC) means they are from the album "Laurel Canyon".... I have another one like this that I am about done with entitled, "Tunesmith".... another collection with the same objectives...although, this one is a bit more gear into the Country-Americana-Folk-Rock genres. Then I go back to some new songs and more instrumental cues....gotta beat those AI machines. Funny, I had a gent email me about my songs and he asked what "BEATS" I use... I told him I usually don't use "BEATS".... they are a thing called, "REAL DRUMS"... he didn't seem to know what the were and how to use them... planet, please! Best, Chet
LOL... "Real Drums" what a concept! I actually enjoy "playing" all my parts. I use various VSTs but lately I've been using the various drums and brass in the Eastwest library. For Bass Guitar I like playing with the Waves' "Bass Fingers" VST. And lately for rhythm guitar parts I've been using Native Instruments' "SESSION GUITARIST - ELECTRIC MINT". I really have been enjoying playing parts more, but there a sometimes when loops/beats fit (or create) the vibe I'm looking for. But I certainly remember the days when it was all about getting the guys together to jam and work on originals! Cheers, Frank
Hi Chet, Thanks so much for the review of "Mom's Journey Home". I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and provide meaningful comments/perspectives. I actually chuckled a bit at your question too!! It gave me the feeling that you may have recognized is this one as one of mine! ;) Thanks again... and I'll check out some of your new stuff... it looks like you've been busy writing/recording! Frank
Hi Clair, thanks for the 5-stars of my song, "Waving Prairie".... it is one of my favorites. Scotland, eh? I have a long line of Scottish on my genealogy....way, way, way, back.... Best to you, Chester
HI Chet Thank you so much for your comments, I'm working hard on my mixing skills eeks lol I've doubled my Piano twiddled with those lpan nobs the opposite way to each other Alto sax is now a tenor shouldn't sound as harsh. Thank you again
No problems with the 5 * your bridge fooled with the change of speed(Something i would do)Lovely singer . Love Scotland there's some fantastic scenery here worth more than 5* Bye for now Clair
Glad you liked Florida Rain chet. At Chicago Airport heading home. Mrs Kate
I ka-new it 'twas you! Ahhh, O'Hare....weeeeeee. Best, Chester
Check out my new endeavour, "Laurel Canyon".... some authentic songs there. A year in the making and a labor of love to sonically scrub that collection. It is like you sitting in front of me...and I am playing for you....
Hi Chet, Thanks a bunch for the reviews on "Princess Jane" and "Hearing Voices"... two very different tunes for sure. I really appreciate that you take the time to listen to and treat each tune individually and on its own merits. Your perspectives are considerate and useful... thanks for the positivity! Have a great one! Frank
My pleasure, Frank....anytime! Best, Chet PS Check out my new release.... "Mt Shasta Rhapsody"..... it is a longer mediation track which will help you transcend: Here is the YOU TUBE LINK: RRXLkUHw It can also be heard at Broadjam.... best to use headphones and be able to sit for the whole song...I is an amazing orchestration....
Hey Chet, thanks for the review of my VINTAGE song There's a Kingdom. Have a great day. Praying for all my friends in the path of this powerful storm. Your friend, Mrs Kate
Good Morning Kate, As promised, here is the first release and YouTube preview of the "Joy & Meaning" APP track I produced for the Monroe Institute. It is about :53 minutes long and meant to be experienced with headphones on. The full track is great to enjoy at the end of the day, when you've laid down in bed and are ready to fully relax and transcend....or when you are just staring at the sky, the clouds, a mountain, the stars, the ocean and chilling. I promise, it works. Enjoy, and share the link with others, if you like Chet RRXLkUHw
"Walking In Circles", is a hot tune! It really has a very good sound and flow. I dig the relevant messages & meaning behind the title. Super job, Chet! John aka Solo.
Thank you, sir! I wrote it when I was driving a cab in Chicago and waiting for a client on Michigan Ave who was visiting his doctor. I was just watching the people walk bye...... funny how that works, eh? I was also doing immersive experiencing, as I was driving the cab to learn what it was like. I was working on a new novel and the lead character was down on his luck and driving a cab to live. The novel was just published. It is entitled, "The Children Of Pentecost".... here is a like to the AMAZON site..... tecost-Chet-Nichols/dp/1521954844/r ef=sr_1_1?crid=4OA0MPF63QSV&dib=eyJ 2IjoiMSJ9.gZeOVfN2pGdhykCunZUs8A.0w Bzdz2q87eZ3O0ftGyV7Lq3Qxmu20quM81Lu H4GIDc&dib_tag=se&keywords=chet+nic hols%2C+%22the+children+of+Pentecos t%22&qid=1726854273&sprefix=chet+ni chols%2C+the+children+of+pentecost+ %2Caps%2C154&sr=8-1 .... check it out....
Finally heard them all. Great work Chet!
Thank you... Mrs. Kate
Hi Chet, Thanks so much for the review of "Precious Cargo"... I loved your comment in the Constructive Comments section... I actually laughed outloud sitting here!! :) Thanks so much for that, what a great way to start the day!! Have a great one and be well!! Frank
Thanks Chet for the nice review of "You Always Get Your Way" and no it has not been mastered yet, but it will be soon Thanks for the wake up call.... Marvin
Thank you for the 5* for the acoustic version of 'Say Goodbye'. I appreciate it greatly. David.
Chet thanks for the review of litter stinks!! You get it! Mrs kate
Hi Chet, Thanks so much for the 5 stars on "Will Always Be With You". So glad you liked it! Frank
Hi Chet, Thank you for adding 'Say Goodbye' (Rock) to your playlist. I appreciate your support. David
Hey Chet, Thanks for the review of Angela's Haunting! I appreciate you taking the time to listen and for providing meaningful comments... so glad you liked it! While I'm here I'll have a listen to a song or two. Be and stay well! Frank