News: COSTA (Costa Ioannides)
Profile: Singer-Songwriter. Rnb/Pop-Rock/Ethnic/Electronic.
Band: ATOMiC ViBE -

Live life, meet people, think a bit and then write about it. Song writing for me is a bit like keeping a creative diary, there's nothing worse that having an idea and not being able to record it before it's lost (like not being able to recall the dream you woke up to in the morning).

I write these songs and hope they somehow find their way to inspire, inform or move you... the same way other people's music has helped and inspired me.

Latest News

Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation is featuring Costa on its bi-communal TV show 'Bis Emis' on Thursday the 10th of July to speak about future plans and the though process behind songwriting. Interview available online at


Is there anything better than writing songs and music?

I hope the days, weeks, months and years I've spent writing these songs bring to you something special and unique. The new album by my band collaboration in ATOMiC ViBE is being posted here track by track.


Thanks for your detailed and fair review of I'll Put Your Picture Away, a song with lyrics by Cat Lamondt and my music. The song is a few years old now and I can relate to your production points. I don't play drums or bass so used those provided by keyboards. If I was producing this again now, the quality of high end accompaniment has improved markedly in those intervening years and the song would be a great deal better as a consequence. Thanks again, much appreciated.
(I have a lot of history in Cyprus both in UN service back in the 60's and more recently on holiday. It is beautiful!)

Thanks for the thorough review on my song "the way you make me smile". The most useful comments I've heard to date! I will get this rearranged. Updated and recorded. Thank you very much!!

1 Replies
COSTA / Costa Ioannides
over 30 days ago

You're more than welcome Kitty!

Thanks for the thorough review on my song "the way you make me smile". The most useful comments I've heard to date! I will get this rearranged. Updated and recorded. Thank you very much!!

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