I Someday

Song Length 1:50 Genre Pop - General


I someday will have a lover
full of heart and warthm for me.
Then I'll know I'll have another
chance at love and loving me.

I've been one place for such a long time
hard to find to some degree.
But I'm told all things are change
they re-arrange, so why not me.

And when she comes I know she'll be more
than the world has meant to me.
Before this time I wandered freebut
thats a very lonely place to be.

I someday will have a lover
full of heart and love for me.
Then I know I'll have another
chance at love and loving me.

Lyrics Burleigh Drummond, Mary Harris Music Burleigh Drummond, Mary Harris
Producer Tin Drum Publisher Burleigh/MarHar Music
Performance Burleigh Drummond, Mary Harris, Mick Mahan Label Blind Eye Music

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