San Patricio

Story Behind The Song

Up to two hundred (the exact number isn't known) Catholic Irish soldiers in the American invasion of Mexico in 1847 deserted to fight for the Mexicans; usually because of their disillusionment with Protestant America, the Know-Nothings, and the restrictio

Song Description

Poetic examination of the reasons for someone bolting from one form of servitude to another, then another, then another...

Song Length 4:25 Genre Unique - Unclassified, Folk - General
Tempo Medium Fast (131 - 150) Language English
Era 1800 - 1899


"You'll soon be dead," the general said,
righteous eyes ablaze;
"Chapultepec, there: when it falls
these city walls will flaunt your weight."
Fate's last beck:
fifty Irishmen hanged by the neck,
traitors to the States, you know:
Batalion San Patricio.

Eviction wracks, famine rends: when
oppressed without an end,
blight and bile turn rank and file;
bugles call, and the mind's beguiled
by revenge so pure:
stars and stripes -- a mighty lure
for heroes bold to fight the foe,
future San Patricios.

But curse and lash was all they found,
Know-Nothings all around;
no priest to shrive the Catholic crowd,
no sacraments to be allowed.
"Form your lines!"
Shot and shell and bullet whine;
what you bear in Mexico is
Vera Cruz, Patricio!

Amid the smoke of battle seen
hazily as a dream,
blessing best, blessing least:
a tonsured Mexicano priest --
Dia 's Muire dhuit! --
shot by Yankees, thrown in a ditch:
the Captain with that curse and blow
making San Patricios.

The number run was never told:
but near two hundred souls
bolted free and hotly chose
to die as San Patricios,
all foresworn:
treason is death, as sure as you're born.
Never with a chance did they go:
they were born for San Patricio!

A hundred died; the rest survived
to hang on Mexico's wall:
the fortress fell, the rest, indeed,
manifested destiny.
Fate's last beck:
fifty Irishmen hanged by the neck,
traitors to the States, you know:
the last of the San Patricios.
Batalion San Patricio!

©1996 Thom Moore, reg. IMRO, MCPS

Lyrics Thom Moore Music Thom Moore
Publisher IMRO, Mcps Performance Thom Moore
Label n/a (unreleased)
This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
lolaeire My Top Songs 2/2/2015

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