drummer gets ahead of band... timing is everything or else it make you sound amature.. ask a friend to remix it for you drop drums a bit back to match the bass level pan that rhythm guitar to the right.. think about eq.. the singer guitar and bass are all in the mid range and need to shelved
I love the live sound of this track. The drums and vocals have plenty of energy and I like the room sound of the drums. The track has an overall great raw vibe to it. The vocals are excellent for this style, reminding me somewhat of Nirvana.
Powerful - Driving - Raw. sound with interesting tempo changes throughout !
Very powerful stuff, great recording work
Sounds like early Led Zepplin. And a little Creed! Good ideas ,creative, nice instrumental song structure changes.
Can't really hear what you are saying, could be microphone levels. Nice guitars and drums! Love the ending rolling down to end. Very promising career you all have.
OK this it not my favorite genre, but what I know about this - it sounds good
The vocals are well done - a lot of dirt but fine in tune - not easy
Nice piece. I absolutely love the drums!!! A classic rock song,for a novice to the genre :). The interlude is great as well!! Video game potential as well as film/TV!!
Solid grunge that could shine in an indie film with a proper mastering.
This is awesome. Overall I don't listen to this kind of rock that often but this definitely has potential. I love the instrumentation and the overall jam/vibe. I also like how it starts in one place and then builds in intensity. That's definitely the thing I like the most about this.
The singer has a good voice for metal. Nice groove and the guitar and strong melody line. thanks for sharing it...
A hard driving dance tune!
brings back memories of Nirvana, love the bass/cymbals interaction. great energy.
Very strong, I can feel the power, Nice drive