Silent Way

Song Length 4:14 Genre Pop - Rock, Rock - Classic


Silent Way ©2006 Roger Idaho

No don?t leave me here in silence
Sounds of nothing I cannot bear
Give me anything at all to fill that silence
Sounds of nothing take me where

I dare not go, I dare not stay
I dare not feel what lies that way
Let me go now
Hear what I may
I dare not go
That silent way

You ask me why, why not?
Hear what is not
And I say I?ll go not
Down that silent way

You?ll maybe hear not
Maybe you?ll find what?s
Hidden there away
Along that silent way

That still small voice within us
Says things that we will not hear
It asks of us to do
What we can
But even that seems a lot
Seems like more than we?ve got
So we ignore, what we should do
It?s the easy thing to do

And that is why we choose not
The silent sound, the noise not
We?d rather hear those sounds what
Require us to deal not

Lyrics Roger Idaho Music Roger Idaho
Producer StudioBFI Publisher StudioBFI
Performance Roger Idaho Label StudioBFI

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