Drinkin on Credit

Song Length 5:00 Genre Blues - General


Drinkin on credit,
Drinkin alone
You people surround me
And you're all on the phone
Who are you talkon to
When you're so clearly hung up
What do you hear when
The conversations stop

Space fills with words
Silence goes underground
You call someone else
You call the next round
And it's rainin like hell
There's no place to go
Except back to your cell
Your own personal hole
Down the road

Drinkin on credit
In a croud all alone
It's all bets and debts and about
Getting blood from the stoned
Drinkin on credit
Drinkin alone
It would change if you would let it
But you're still on the phone

Lyrics RKS Music RKS
Performance RKS

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