
Song Length 2:39 Genre Folk - Alternative, Blues - Modern
Tempo Slow (71 - 90) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Cool, Passive Subject Loneliness, Hope
Language English Era 1990 - 1999


She say she tired of beng blue my friend
So she goin to learn how to love again
But this time its gonna be unconditionally
Said this time she gonna let the love fly

Baby fly free

She gonna open up her heart real wide
Let 'em take a good look deep inside
She say maybe he'll see somethin he like
This time she gonna open up her heart real wide

All under

sweet mag-no'li-a blossoms blooming
She hopin she can get it right this time
Under them sweet mag-no'li-a blossoms blooming
She hopin to find a little loves light

(c)1996. RC Andrews

Lyrics RC Andrews Music RC Andrews
Producer RC Andrews Performance RC Andrews

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