In Three Days

Song Length 0:00 Genre Unique - General


In Three Days

I?ll be home come the new moon
I?ll be home in three days
I?ll be home and in his arms
In three days, everything is gonna be okay

It?s been a long time since I laid beside him
This time apart makes it all so clear
In three days I?m gunna lay with him
My heart can?t stand just how long it?s been

In three days, I?m gonna see my baby
In three days, it?s my baby?s birthday
In three days, I?m gonna, see my baby
In three days, I?m gonna have my way

He don?t ask much of me
He understands my atrocities
He don?t ask me to change
He forgives my foolish ways

I don?t have to know the reason
Why he loves my broken heart
It?s OK to let him love me
In three days I?m gunna let him love me


In three days, he will draw the blinds
In three days, I will cut the lights
In three days, we won?t need much more
Than each other and the night


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