Remember Ibo Landing(no prcsn)

Story Behind The Song

Kidnapped from Africa to be enslaved, these Ibos(Igbos) rebelled against their captors and on St Simon Island, Georgia, they walked into the sea rather than submit to slavery. Some claimed that they grew wings and would fly from the water.....

Song Length 4:40 Genre World - African, Jazz - General
Subject Slavery



words & music: phil morrison

Remember IBO Landing
They walked into the sea
Until the last man standing
Their cry.. we must be free

From Africa their homeland
Across an ocean wide
In chains you hear them moanin'
In pain as many died


Remember IBO Landing
Where Ibos rebel
Freedom they're demanding
Be slaves..."go to hell!"

Saint Simons Island Georgia
Their final resting place
To end the constant torture
This inhumane disgrace

But spirits can't be broken
From the strong and brave
These Africans would rather die
Than live their lives as slaves


Remember IBO Landing
Along the Georgia shore
With bravery and courage
They marched towards heaven's door

Remember IBO Landing
Know where our heroes died
This history is sacred
Remember them with pride...but

Magical their power
Its source comes from the sky
Where angels call to paradise
Behold as freemen fly


Remember......IBO Landing

Lyrics Phil Morrison Music Phil Morrison
Performance Tracks & vocals by Joe Watts...bass/Phil Morrison

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Abdu'l Baha Song
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Africana Blue
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All You need To Make Music (Stark Reality)
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April and U (1)
Jazz - Contemporary
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April and U (2)
Jazz - Bossa Nova
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April and U (3)
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April and U(guitar)
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April and U (Harry Allen/saxophone)
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