Refresh and Gladden my Spirit

Song Description

A Baha'i prayer to lift your spirits present with music in the Jazz genre.

Song Length 2:43 Genre Jazz - Religious
Lead Vocal Male Vocal Mood In High Spirits


Refresh and Gladden My Spirit
Words...A Baha'i Prayer
Music by..Phil Morrison

Oh God...Refresh and Gladden my spirit
Purify my heart...illumine my powers
I lay all my affairs in Thy hand
Thou art my guide and my refuge
I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved
I will be a happy and joyful being
Oh God, I will no longer be filled with
Nor will I let trouble harass me
I will not dwell on the unpleasant
things in life

Oh God, Thou art more friend to me than
I am to myself
I dedicate myself to Thee oh Lord
Abdu'l Baha

Lyrics Abdu'l Baha...Baha'i prayer Music Phil Morrison
Performance Joe Watts.... vocal, trombone & tracks

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Abdu'l Baha Song
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Africana Blue
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All You need To Make Music (Stark Reality)
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April and U (1)
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April and U (2)
Jazz - Bossa Nova
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April and U (3)
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April and U(guitar)
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