Mouthful of Sand

Story Behind The Song

'Mouthful of Sand' is written about Fournier's ex who published an album entitled 'A Mouth Full of Dust'; the name of the track is tongue-in-cheek. The song is about beginning a relationship with a person who has not yet healed from wounds of their past lover, and are therefor guarded, defensive, and lacking in love to give. In the second verse, Fournier makes a reference to the religious high'horse that he seemed to sit on in the most self-effacing way... he's out of reach. It's intended as sarcasm. The whole relationship left a bad taste in her mouth and sent her running from her idealistic idea of love.

Song Description

Mouthful of Sand is a catchy pop-rock tune, musically influenced by the pop-punk of the late nineties and early 2000's. The song is thick with lush guitar textures and accessible riffs that start to head towards chaos at the bridge, but mellow out soon enough to keep the song a little pop gem. Dis-enchanted female vocals sing of a relationship gone wrong, and become more agitated at the bridge while yelling 'running from love!' The song has noted of sadness, regret, resentment, and confusion, but overall the singer tells her tale very matter-of-fact. It's an upbeat tune despite the story.

Song Length 3:30 Genre Pop - Rock, Rock - Indie/Low-Fi
Mood Endearing, Annoyed Subject Bad Love, Dysfunctional Relations
Similar Artists The Joy Formidable, Taking Back Sunday Language English
Era 2000 and later


Somebody broke your bones. I found you in a hospital.
I thought I could bring you back to life, but they tore you all apart.
You built a wall around your heart and won't let anyone inside.

You kissed my hand with a mouth full of sand,
and left me standing there, sad.
You tasted my tongue with a mouth full of blood,
and left me standing there stunned.
You sent me running from love.

I gave it my best shot, I'm always aiming for the stars...
... but God hung you up too high.
You sit just out of reach and stare down at me, like a tease.
This operation isn't right.

You kissed my hand with a mouth full of sand,
and left me standing there, sad.
You tasted my tongue with a mouth full of blood,
and left me standing there stunned.
You sent me running from love.

Lyrics Jenna Fournier Music Nights
Producer Nights and Jim Stewart Publisher Jenna Fournier
Performance Nights

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