
Song Length 3:53 Genre Country - Contemporary, Country - General
Tempo Medium (111 - 130) Lead Vocal Female Vocal
Mood Exultant, In High Spirits Language English
Era 2000 and later



The world that we live in
Can be so cold and gray
People are just crumbled up
And thrown away
I?ve decided that?s not gonna happen
Anywhere my light can reach
I?m gonna open up my heart
To the people close to me
And let it pour my love out over each?

Chorus: I?m gonna shine
Each and every moment
Feeling like I own it
At the start of every day
I?m gonna shine
Cover all the rough parts
Comfort all the broke hearts
Show them what it?s like
To just shine

A beacon in a harbor
A single ray of light
A heart full of hopeful
Waiting in the night
A face held up to heaven
A right where there?s a wrong
I?ve decided that I?m going to
Have to be that strong
To make this world a place where I belong?


Faithfulness and duty
Ignorance and beauty
All of these opportunities
To hold my head up high?


Lyrics Jim and Joe Nelson Music Jim and Joe Nelson

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