Takin It All In

Song Length 3:28 Genre Pop - General, Rock - General


Takin It All In
Music and Lyrics by Mike Previti

Fates kiss woke me up this morning much too early
But I puckered up to another day
Clocks bell rang from door to door
It makes me feel like such a whore
Allowing time to go ahead and use me
And the view don?t look too good from here
Hidden here in this worn skin
I guess they say you have your days
So I?ll dream of all the ?if I coulds?
In a world I thought I understood
Where does the starting line begin

Don?t care much for consequences
So I?ll hold my head high and take the hit
Grieve for my sins on judgement day
For no I?m takin it all in

What sounded once like violins
Now sounds like torture and its sins
Right now there is no give and take
Cause no one hears me testify
So I?ll let it test the track and pass me by
Yeah it?ll pass me by
So I?ll give it everything I got
Go ahead and take another shot
Ain?t nothing gonna draw that line

Rpeat chorus


All fired up
Can?t eat can?t sleep
I?ve bared my soul
My eyes ain?t shut
Then why do I feel like I?ve lost control?
All this way
Is there no place left to go?

Lyrics Mike Previti Music Mike Previti

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