Heart Speaks

Song Length 3:36 Genre Folk - Rock, Pop - Easy Listening
Tempo Medium (111 - 130) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Distressed Subject Will, Determination


How do you know when its good?
How do you know when it's right?
How do you know when to lay down?
How do you know when to fight?
I've been down every road
I've read every sign
But the path leads here tonight

When the Heart Speaks, the heart speaks
And You can feel like you can breathe again
When the heart speaks, the heart speaks
All your wars will end
Just keep listening

Your hands are trembling
Your having trouble walkin
Your mind is a great magician
Playing tricks on you
When you know what to do
You've been through the fire
But your heart is no liar

When the Heart Speaks, the heart speaks
And You can feel like you can breathe again
When the heart speaks, the heart speaks
All your wars will end
Just keep listening

Do I kiss the girl
Do I bury my pearls
Do I try something new?
Do I change my path
Do I go back
Do I know what to do?
Yes I Do, yes I do, yes I do

When the Heart Speaks, the heart speaks
And You can feel like you can breathe again
When the heart speaks, the heart speaks
All your wars will end
Just keep listening

Lyrics Michael Tiernan Music Michael Tiernan
Publisher Scrapapple Publishing

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