Seasons Change (Dance)

Song Length 2:27 Genre Pop - Rock, Pop - Religious
Lead Vocal Female Vocal Subject Encouragement
Similar Artists Natalie Merchant, The Cranberries Language English


Seasons Change (Dance)
By Mariah Hostrander

Leaves turn from green to gold
Seeds grow up to unfold
Seasons change
Things never remain the same

So dance your dance
Let go of regret
Let the rain wash over your soul and forget every lie
That's held inside
Let it go
Let it die

Life's a bitter sweet thing
All of the joy and then there's heartache
Where do we go from here
He says follow my way and I'll light the way


So dance your dance
Dance your dance

Every lie that's held inside
Let it go let it die

Seasons change
Things never remain the same

This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Nick Fuse Songs of Inspiration 1/6/2012

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