Surprise Surprise (The Diner Song)

Song Length 3:51 Genre Rock - Indie/Low-Fi, Pop - Classic
Tempo Medium (111 - 130) Lead Vocal Duet Male
Mood Pleased, Engaging Subject Falling in Love, Restaurants
Similar Artists Wilco, Simon & Garfunkel Language English
Era 2000 and later


We're day job drinkers and pop star chaser,
Tongue tied crushes and love struck players.
Till boy meets girl and sometime later
They wind up here talking to the waiter.

If you told me we would be best friends
I would have told you that it would all depend on
when we wake up the morning after
I don't want to leave, you say that I don't have to.

Surprise, surprise!
You overcomplicate it if you sit there asking why oh why
I'm happier with you when the time is just passing us by--Bye Bye.

She does crossword puzzles and gets stumped on the hard words
Her eggs get cold and I can't help her
Sunday morning, dinner coffee,
The sizzle and the clang and the people talking
In their flannel shirts and cotton sweat pants,
Mussed up hair and morning Ray-Bans,
Pancakes homemade, you smiling at me--
Who says the best things in life aren't free?

Surprise, surprise!
You overcomplicate it if you sit there asking why oh why
I'm happier with you when the time is just passing us by--Bye Bye.

You're my caffeine, like black coffee
You wake me up in the morning
You're warm an clean, where I can see
Uncover you--uncover me
Uncover me--uncover me...
Oh uncover me. Uncover me--discover me.

Surprise, surprise!
You overcomplicate it if you sit there asking why oh why
Don't overcomplicate it and just sit there asking why oh why
I'm happier with you when the time is just passing us by--Bye Bye.

I'm happy here with you as the time is just passing...
happy here with you as the time is just passing by.

Lyrics Joey Auch/Josh Peck Music Joey Auch/Josh Peck
Producer Joey Auch/Josh Peck Publisher Joey Auch Songs/Triangle Moon
Performance Joey Auch & Josh Peck Label J & J Music

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Little Light
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These Words
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Carry Me Home
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Into Your Fire
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