Rock Him Easy

Story Behind The Song

A personal expression of the Gifts of the Magi fortelling the crucifixion at the manger

Song Length 3:22 Genre Folk - Religious
Lead Vocal Instrumental Mood Relaxed


i came to the manger to worship the Holy Child
but I knew what lay ahead and my thoughts were running wild
oh! the bitter price that man and God might be reconciled!
Rock Him easy, Mary, He`s got a hard road
I came to the manger, my heart and head were bending low
The Wisemen brought their gifts of death in prophecy His Fate to show- a gift at that first Christmas oh but not to ever really know!
Rock Him easy, Mary, He's got a hard road
To change what lay ahad oh was there nothing I could say?
but no, and so I vowed atleast that I myself would not betray
and when I heard the cock crow thrice oh, God ! I knelt to pray
Rock Him easy Mary He walks the long hard road for us
Rock Him easy, Oh blessed Mother of God
It was then I learned what Christmas morning has to give,
that no longer by our deeds but by our faith we are to live
that kneeling at the cradle and the cross we might believe
Rock Him easy, Mother Mary.
Rock Him easy.

Lyrics gypsilady Music gypsilady
Producer Johnny Neel & GypsiLady Publisher Gypsilady & Brown Music Productions, Inc. (BMI)
Performance The Tennessee Five
This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
gypsilady Tennessee 5 BMI 8/12/2010

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