Few Miles From Home

Story Behind The Song

The music was written and performed by Jarno Luhtanen of Kosenkorva FInland and I wrote the lyrics and produced while my Buddy Danny Flanagan did the vocals here at Sonicpixels Recording Studio Here in Bradenton Fla Mixed and mastered by Steven Roberts

Song Description

Its a story of a musician who has been on the road for a long time and is finally coming home but gets news his love has been sleeping around

Song Length 4:18 Genre Blues - Rock, Blues - General
Tempo Medium Slow (91 - 110) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Troubled, Heartbreaking Subject Loneliness, Dysfunctional Relations
Similar Artists Buddy Guy, BB KIng Language English
Era 2000 and later


Lyrics by Steven Roberts Danny Flanagan
Copyright Groove Scoundrels/Sonicpixels 2020
composer Jarno Luhtanen & Steven Roberts

Oh my darlin
I've been missin you
Just a few miles from home
Tired of bein, bein alone
And on the road

Where you've been while I've been gone?
You ain't sleepin all alone.

Just a few miles from home
Just a few miles from home

Family is talkin
Friends are all worried....
That you aint been true
Just a few miles from our home
Tired and blue


The road is hard on a heart
Even with a good start

Love is strong
When we're together
But it wont be long

Will you be there?
When I get home
Or will the lights be off?
Will our bed be cold?

We were so close
Then you tell me maybe???


Just a few miles from home
And Im all alone

Few miles from home
What will I see?
No one there?
Just a faded picture of you and me

Oh my darlin
I've been missin you
Im just a few miles from home


Lyrics Steven Roberts Music Jarno Luhtanen
Producer Steven Roberts Publisher Sonic Pixels Recording
Performance Groove Scondrels Label Sonic Pixels

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