Nice classical rock sounding piece. Great beat, love the part the synth plays in this song, as well as the guitar instrumental. Very nice tune overall.
good vocal.
This song as some nice parts. The guitar playing and tone are great. The overall groove is pretty good. It has a very classic rock vibe for sure. The synth part drives that home for me.
Very 80's style pop rock maybe similar to Bryan Adams, love the movement into the chorus.
great song really moves me like the voice instrumentation
Good job...feels like big hair, Ibanez and Charvelle! Definitely hear the 80's influence.
Man -remind a Sammy Hagar in places-good groove -loved the opening--liked the layers-coming at me -with harmonies-
Good intro - I really like how the verse builds into the chorus. Pretty cool. Good drum and guitar sounds. Strong vocals. Really cool classic vibe! The verses are really strong!
Good energy and the mix is good. All instrumentation and vocals are clear and well executed. Nice feel and good song.
Nice hook! Very catchy! A very radio friendly song.
very good and well mixed
KILLLER TUNE!! this is a hit! hooky deluxe!