Enduring Love

Story Behind The Song

This song was written to celebrate the loving relationship my parents had together, the kind that endures through joy, sorrow, sunshine and rain. In loving memory of my father, Kenneth Yule.

Song Description

Instrumental acoustic multi-tempo "Latin Lullaby" as dubbed by studio guest musicians/recording engineer. The song starts out simply and builds, weaving in various woodwinds, and Latin percussion sounds.

Song Length 4:10 Genre New Age - Ethnic, Latin - General
Tempo Multiple Tempos Lead Vocal Instrumental
Mood Content, Sociable Subject Life, Joy
Similar Artists Yanni Language No Language
Era 2000 and later


Not applicable. Instrumental.

Music Piano Line Productions, Inc. Producer Piano Line Productions, Inc.
Publisher Piano Line Productions, Inc. Performance Kenni Holmen (woodwinds), Denise B (piano), Marc Anderson (percussion), Randy Gildersleeve (Guitar/mandolin), Jacqueline Ferrier-Ultan (Cello)
Label Piano LIne Productions, Inc.

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Dream of the Highland Hills
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Scottish Lullaby
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Snapshots of Love
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Young Love
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Snapshots of Love - Vocal
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Mother's Lullaby - From Cradle to Crayons - Vocal
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You Are My Friend - Piano Accompaniment
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