love it.
Oh, this song sounds a little like Gordon Lightfoot's early songs, I cut my teeth on tunes like this growing up in my youth!! Brings back great memories, oh, the days when life seemed more care free! Now to the Great Music at hand....Love the Guitar playing, terrific finger picking, super vocal performance, and a terrific song!! This is just a delightful tune...tremendous job sir!! Wish we'd had written it!! Is this song copy-written?? LOL!!!Just Kidding!!
Very pretty song. I listened to it 3 times to hear a title idea, as there did not seem to be a chorus, which I would usually look for the title within. the guitar was original and sounded beautiful. The overall musical sound was beautiful as well however it did seem very familiar. The overall sound seems very specific to original folk music popularized in the 60s or 70s, especially with the flute solo, and lyrics steeped in love and nature. I am sure it has solid place in the folk genre.
Nice sound. The guitars are very well performed and fit the overall mood of the song perfectly. Great arrangement, too. I love the way the horns come in at the end. The vocals also match the general feel of the song. Very professional and polished production.
Another good song from Ron. Good solid melody with nice lyrics. The production was lovely. Really enjoyed this.
The voice is smooth and very pleasant but the music overpowers the voice almost completely almost throughout the song. I could not hear the words, and there were not many of them. The humming voice is also very pleasant, but it is overpowered by the instruments. It is a losing battle for the voice. The music is too big for the song, too dramatic for the content I glimpse behind the enthusiastic instruments.
you have a nice melody and i also liked the way your voice sounds. still by using the same tempo without making any significant changes it becomes a little monotonous, i think the song would from some contrast between the sections.
I really like the intro. Draws me into the song. I don't know how strong its market potential is. Folk music isn't heard that often on mainstream radio. Of course, that just the situation we folk artists have to deal with......Also, you almost have a church feel to it...I like the lyrics too. A bit on the philosophical side, but I like songs that make me think. Plus, they make sense. No forced rhymes. There's a purpose and they seem to be focused on it.