I Know

Song Length 3:19 Genre Country - Alternative, Pop - General
Tempo Slow (71 - 90) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Heartbreaking Subject Heartbreak, General
Similar Artists Tom Waits, Randy Newman Language English
Era 2000 and later


I Know

I was broken
and you found my pieces
had a million holes
you filled what was missin'
called out to deaf ears
and you listened
and when the tears fell
you held and kissed them

Like the wind knows to blow
like a whisper to my soul
I know you love me
I know you love me
I know you love me
I know

Some things
there are no words for
thank you seems so small
when you healed my whole heart
who was I?
that You chose me
called me by name
and called me worthy

You reached for me when the world let go
took my hand and lead me home
I know you love me
I know you love me
I know you love me
I know

Wrapped in the nest of your arms.
I finally felt I belonged

I know you love me
I know you love me
i know you love me
I know

Lyrics Brooke Malouf/Cameron Earnshaw Music Brooke Malouf/Cameron Earnshaw
Performance Cameron Earnshaw

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Keep This Place Off The Map
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Two Lane University
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When Tomorrow Still Believed In Us
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The Rose Of Sunrise
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Heavy Cross To Bear
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Church of My Choice
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