The Double Bogey Boogie Man

Story Behind The Song

Written while working on a golf course and witnessing all kinds of comical human behavior there. You can take a perfectly rational man, put a golf club in his hand and he might well be immediately transformed into a total freaking idiot.

Song Description

Thematically states the paradoxical reality that we tend to believe whatever is convenient: i.e. double bogeys are a desirable outcome of playing the game.

Song Length 2:40 Genre Country - Boogie, Blues - Country
Tempo Medium (111 - 130) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Cheerful Subject Athlete, Sports
Language English Era 2000 and later


You know I hit 'em in the water,
You know I hit 'em in the sand.
I hit a tiger in the woods,
And even tigers understand.
That I'm The Double Bogey Boogie Man,
You never know where I might land.
Yeah, I'm The Double Bogey Boogie Man,
I hit 'em long, I hit 'em wrong.
I'm The Double Bogey Boogie Man,
I hit 'em long, I hit 'em wrong.
Yeah, I'm The Double Bogey Boogie Man,
We gonna bogey all night long.
You know my Daddy hit a bird,
With a long hard drive on old sixteen.
You know my Daddy hit a bird,
With a long hard drive on old sixteen.
Well, he still made double bogey son,
But he got a birdie in between.
You know my brother got a par,
And Daddy kicked him off the team.
I said my brother got a par,
And Daddy kicked him off the team.
He said "Only double bogeys son,
They make you strong,, they make you mean.

Lyrics Bob Island Music Robert Hibbard - keyboards, bass, percussion
Producer Charles Hibbard - engineer/producer Publisher Bob Island Group Enterprises
Performance Robert Hibbard - keyboards Label B.I.G. Enterprises
This track is on 1 Broadjam Top 10 Lists
Top 10 List Rank
Country - Boogie #5

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