till we all have faces

Song Length 4:33 Genre Folk - Alternative, Folk - Religious
Tempo Floating Lead Vocal Female Vocal
Subject Change Language English


Till we all have faces

You ask me why I sing the songs
The ones that make you feel
Uncomfortable, unhappy, or mad as hell
Well I share what I am given
Sometimes it makes me scared
But I close my eyes and sing out with my faith


Till we all have faces that someone else can see
Till we all have places in this world
Till we all have voices and true equality
I will sing

Well I get down on my knees and pray to the one who made us all
To the gentle mother, who I see as God
We create God in our own images
Then squeeze them in a box
And keep them there so that we have control


In the name of Christianity we sacrifice our souls
In the name of Jesus Christ we crucify
We are all children of the one true God
All equal in the eyes
I believe that we a re worthy, I believe


And no I won't be silent
And yes I will be bold
And my songs might be uncomfortable to hear
But I will sing them I will scream them
I'll lay down my life; I'll be them
And I pray that when you listen, you will really hear.

Lyrics beverly graham Music beverly graham
Producer beverly graham Publisher beverly graham
Performance beverly graham Label beverly graham

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