Cover Me in Grace

Story Behind The Song

This song written in response to 300+ baptisms on 1/22/13 and 10+ student baptisms on 1/17/13 including my great friends Rachel Swain and Rosemary Sullivan! GOD IS SO GOOD!!

Song Length 3:44 Genre Unique - Unclassified
Lead Vocal Female Vocal Subject Spirituality, Spirituality


Cover me in Grace

Ripples in motion
leave my
old life behind

Teardrops in motion
my life
Its your design

Immersed in you
Baptized with you

CH -
Jesus I surrender
sins I can't erase
You've buried them like embers
I'm raised with you in Faith
Redeeming sacrifice
Your love I will embrace
Jesus I surrender
Cover me in grace

Break of emotion
leave my
Old fears behind

Flash of emotion
my tears
are your design

Immersed in you
Baptized with you

Jesus I surrender
sins I can't erase
You've buried them like embers
I'm raised with you in Faith
Redeeming sacrifice
Your love I will embrace
Jesus I surrender
Cover me in grace

2-part harmony?
Immersed in You
Died with you
Raised with you
Baptized with you

God is working
My sins cast aside
Raised with my King
Resurrection is mine

Jesus I surrender
sins I can't erase
You've buried them like embers
I'm raised with you in Faith
Redeeming sacrifice
Your love I will embrace
Jesus I surrender
Cover me in grace
Cover me
Cover me
Cover me in grace

Eve Harrell ©


Colossians 2:12 having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead.

Lyrics Eve Harrell Music Eve Harrell
Producer Eve Harrell Publisher Eve Harrell
Performance Eve Harrell Label Eve Harrell
This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Diana Rasmussen Heart songs 5/16/2014

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