I Wish

Story Behind The Song

love, life, pursuit of happiness

Song Description

made for anybody who has ever been involved in the deepest love and heartache that can go along with it.

Song Length 3:47 Genre Pop - General, Rock - Modern
Tempo Slow (71 - 90) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Heartbreaking, Tranquil Subject Regret, Heartbreak
Era 2000 and later


i wish

i wish, i wish i could have been a good man to you
and I wish, i could wash away the pain
cause i was loved more than any man alive
and I was loved more than a thousand babies too
why, why would I have thrown it all away?

and you, you know your like dew drops pure in the morning cold
and you, you taste like candy to the tongue
and you, you loved me more than any man could wish for
and you, you loved me more than a thousand babies too
why, why would I have thrown it to the wind?

and now, how can i wash away the pain?
and how, how can i taste your candy again
because i'm still alive inside, it's true
and i want nothing more than to be one with you
forever, until we die

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Die In My Car
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SunOnMansDarkestDays (BandMix)
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Sweet Rock A Bye
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Tiki Blue Christmas
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