Free Up The Mike!

Story Behind The Song

This is a colaboration between Colonel D. Denton And experiment on my part to try my hand at rap...electronica and experimental styles. the end result is here.

Song Description

No reaL SOLUTIONS STILL PREACHING TO THE ENDLESS CHOIRS...BUT PERHAPS MUSIC CAN SOOTHE THE SAVAGEness of the beast of hunger or move some deadbeat who haven't helped to lend a hand.

Song Length 3:44 Genre Electronic - Experimental, Electronic - Experimental
Tempo Fast (151 - 170) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Outraged, Moving Subject Justice, Frustration
Similar Artists N/A, Nothing to cmpare Language English
Era 2000 and later


This song is about POVERTY that ancient curse that goes back centuries and that we can never seem to solve. The colonel and I are not the first to address this issue and we won't be the last but we will shout out for all the needy left to suffer.

Listen up folks
you all know who I'm talking to
and you all know what it's about
cause it's been around forever'
since day one and this is
day ten billion and one
Leaders selling us the same old,
same cold soup lines
promising that those in power
are doing all they can for the benefit
of every woman, child and man
but all it amounts to is
a single noodle in a drop of broth
that nourishes no one...
so listen up and take heed
before all that is for the people
of the people and by the people
sends all of you placebo leaders Bye -bye
back to the land of the common man
where you can experience the struggles
that you have chosen to constantly ignore

Free Up The mike
I got something to say
all; about the cruel conditions
of our world today
too much poverty
and no way to feed
all the teeming masses
so we watch them bleed
we got greedy leaders
sucking up the cash
for there own damn needs
it's time to take out the trash
Free up the mike
I've got something to shout
there are men in charge
that we need to get out
Trying to build a wall
to suppress more poor
how bout building some walls
with some windows and doors
for the thousands of citizens
living on the street
who couldn't get a job
couldn't make ends meet
while folks walk on by
their cardboard homes
Never looking inside
at the skin and bones
of a human being
reduced to nothing
What if it was your child
would you then do something.
Many veterans
coming home from war
Trying to understand
what they were fighting for
Free up the mic
we don't need more yak
full of false promises
from political hacks
Free up the funds
that are so misspent
it's time thatwe all know
where the money went
Give it to the children
who are innocent
offer them some hope
for their dreams undreamt
Free up some chances
for those who have none
then maybe we'll believe
thatyou got something done

Free up the mike
let it stand here empty
I don't need to be wailing
in our land of plenty

Or we'll free up the spaces
where your names are placed
come election day
your gonna lose your race
All republic-can'ts
and demon-crats
will fall beneath the ire
of my current rap
so free up those mics
and stop serving us Crap!!

Art~Whimsically Yours Studio
Matthew F. Blowers III ©-2019
with Colonel Denton's stellar music
in a collaboration of two souls who care

Lyrics MatMatthew F. Blowers III Music Colonel D. Denton
Producer Colonel D. Denton Publisher Denton & Blowers
Performance Dentron & Blowers

Other Songs By Art~Whimsically Yours Studio

A Dirge For The Lonely.
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Plays: 10
Unique - Soundtracks
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Heaven & Earth.
Electronic - Electronica
Plays: 1
If The Stars Can't Wait.
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Plays: 0
It's Raining Under My Umbrella.
Electronic - Electronica
Plays: 8
My Enemies Are Many !
Electronic - Experimental
Plays: 1
Sultry Eyes.
Folk - Alternative
Plays: 6
Sunsets Are Not Eternal
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Susie's Song II
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Plays: 2
Water Lily lake.
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