bob lorraine-vocals and guitar,david lorraine-guitar.greg lorraine-drums
gary rutkowski-bass
my family and friends who believed in me
when we did these songs in the studio gave us the support to never give up on our dreams.gary died in a car accicent shortly after we did the music at polygram.i was torn apart from this for years but my wife gave me the strength to never give up my dreams.i,m presently wring more music and plan on going in the studio soon.and to the guys at work who doubted me i told you my music will
pay you christine

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if you enjoy the music in my band write me at done 14 songs in 1993 at crystal corp in tenn. and thanks to all my friends and family who supported me all these years after gary died.


This Artist has 1 Album


Dustin Wray
over 30 days ago to lorraine


Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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