Looking for: Looking for Mid-To-Up-Tempo Rap/Hip-Hop songs.
They should have a solid structure with great beats, fresh lyrics, and a strong vocal. Wwe need music that has a contemporary sound, something that you would hear on the radio.
Please no unauthorized samples.
Project Details
- If Songs Selected: Any music that is placed with our company will be reciprocated with a contract. The music will be uploaded to our website, we will update our data drives to clients and initiate contact with clients for appropriate opportunities.
- If Songs Placed: If the song is placed the composer will receive an equal (50/50) share of any licenses obtained. The composer will make 100% of writer's royalties which will be paid directly from composer's PRO.
- Sound Qualities Accepted: Broadcast Quality
- Instrumentals Accepted: Yes
- Explicit Lyrics Accepted: No
- Deal Type: Non-Exclusive
- Expected Decision Date: 1/31/2020
- Provider: Publisher