(Singer/Songwriter) Documentary film titled "White Man's Burden" needs music

ID: FTBM893    Posted August 28, 2008
Looking for: Singer/Songwriter - Songs about tough times, hunger, people needing help, lack of abundance, people caring and people helping people
Explicit Lyrics Accepted: No
Instrumentals Accepted: Yes
Movie Genre: Documentary

Description: Documentary about the second tragedy of the world's poor. The first tragedy is, that in a world of abundance, 3 billion people live on under $2 per day and live in extreme poverty. The second is: The World's Poor are still dying not only because of the world's indifference to their plight, but also because of the ineffective efforts by the people and agencies who 'do care'. The West has spent 2.3 trillion dollars in aid to the World's Poor in the past 60 years and the poor still do not have simple life sustaining materials, which include, clean drinking water, food, bed nets and simple lifesaving medicines. This documentary will shift conventional thinking about aid and help transfer funding to transparent and 'accountable' non-profits and Searchers whom are discovering piecemeal solutions to helping the poor and providing feedback from poor. Thus White Man's Burden explores one of the most relevant questions of our time: How does Western foreign aid waste not, so the poor can want not?

Project Details

  • Deal Type: Non-Exclusive
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