Bruce Bednarchuk

Bruce Bednarchuk


Previous Comments

Bruce!! Just checking in to see if you've had any placements yet You're stuff is really strong! if YOU don't get placed i'm in outer space talk at i have new information! Pat

2 Replies
Bruce Bednarchuk
over 30 days ago

I sure appreciate your remarks.
In today's market things get pretty hairy where sharing music is concerned.
What exactly are you suggesting where my music is concerned?
Please note that I've been a member of BMI since 1980 and ALL my music is copyrighted. I can be reached at (507)508-2336 for texts or conversation.

Bruce Bednarchuk
over 30 days ago

Well, just one bone. A Christmas song.
Someone's interested but I haven't heard back officially.
Thanks for asking.

Bruce Bednarchuk
over 30 days ago to Bruce Bednarchuk

Once again, I'm receiving phenomenal scores and reviews, but still can't get one success story from Broadjam or their clients.
Getting very close to packing it in on this particular venture.

1 Replies
Bruce Bednarchuk
over 30 days ago

This has become an exercise in futility. It's also been damn expensive.
I've spent 10 Grand recording 6 originals and God knows how much with BJ.
I have to declare that if I don't have at least 3 placements by 2024, that'll be it for me with Broadjam.
Good luck to me and to all of you. Don't bury yourself in debt. I've had some success as a songwriter, but that was when I was in my twenties. This business is unbelievably cut-throat competitive and my confidence in this venture called Broadjam is about to implode.

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to Bruce Bednarchuk

Hi, Bruce. I read with interest the comments that several of us have had experience with; that is, our songs, mine included, being always a bridesmaid but never a bride. I can say with 100 percent certainty that it in no way reflects your ability. "Troubled Shores" is a very pleasing lilting tune with minor chords that add beauty to the song. It's like a cross of Dan Fogelberg's "High Country Snows" album and Gordon Lightfoot from his exceptional early recordings. "Lonely Street" has that engaging sound that is like Bruce Hornsby. Robert Quigley, Jeana Potthoff, Warren Hein, Bob Bentley, Scott Jordan (Ravensong), and Art Corey, are among the very best songwriters I've heard on BJ and we all have the same frustration trying to get selected. I'll add that Patrick's "Before the World Stops Spinnin'" is a really fun, hooky, terrific piece. But like he said, no need to be discouraged or to question yourself. You know what you're doing and you do it very well! We all have learned that it's better not to put all our eggs in one basket. Best to you! You've got the stuff! John

1 Replies
Bruce Bednarchuk
over 30 days ago

Thanks very much.
I just found it quite interesting that literally minutes ago I posted a negative comment regarding Broadjam, and boom, just like that, Lonely Street, which was ate #6 in Folk Top 10 suddenly disappeared off the chart completely.
Growing skepticism here.

Bruce Bednarchuk
over 30 days ago to Bruce Bednarchuk

Id like to thank my peers for such fabulous scores. As good as they've been, Im still waiting for my first success with Broadjam.
I've submitted 70 songs, but nothing has satisfied the Broadjam publishers or producers. I spent upwards of $10,000 to record and produce six songs, all with incredible scores, but again, nothing. Becoming increasingly frustrated and skeptical of Broadjam's overall business. Hopefully something takes root soon, or I'll be out and seeking other avenues to submit.

3 Replies
Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Kate Carpenter

Patrick E. Muth/Catnip Pat
over 30 days ago

Hi Bruce!
You are one of the premium artists I have ever heard! Please don't underestimate your worth! By the way you reviewed my "Before the World Stops Spinnin!" and said it was too loose! That's funny because after I recorded it and listened 20 times I said "No"! Went back and made the horns sound loose like New Orleans horns where the best players are lit up pretty good! It was #1 on 8 or 9 charts on Broadjam Earth for over 13 weeks! Would love to talk at!
You Keep Hammering away and I foresee Huge Gains For You!

Bruce Bednarchuk
over 30 days ago

Thanks very much, Patrick.
This means a great deal to me. I've been growing extremely frustrated with BJ and their clientele.
If absolutely nothing takes root, I will leave BJ and seek other opportunities.

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago to Bruce Bednarchuk

Thank You for the review of Summertime classic... I also have a contemporary version of the song. I did the song A cappella and music added later... I had fun with a song I have sung since I was 18...again thank you 🎶🎶🎶Delta

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago to Bruce Bednarchuk

Bruce, I want to thank you for your review of my "El Matador" It is going on my new cd called "American Tapestry of Song" all about our history and that is my hat tip to the Spanish speaking folks... I hope it will be out soon...a cover from The Kingston Trio... in music Delta🎶🎶🎶

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Bruce Bednarchuk

Thanks for the review of "Turtleneck". Always loved SD so I'm pleased that you found some of their influence in the tune.

1 Replies
Bruce Bednarchuk
over 30 days ago

No problem.

over 30 days ago to Bruce Bednarchuk

Not sure what happened Bruce but I have already thanked you for your kind review of Grand Old Man Of Rock n Roll but it seems to have disappeared! Anyway, I happen to be working on reinventing that very song at the moment, so your review is timely. It's never quite come up to my expectations so I'll see what I can do to sort it, or retire it.
Just had a listen to some of your songs and like them a lot. You obviously play the guitar and I guess that is your fine soulful voice? Do you do everything else yourself or involve a studio?
Thanks again,

1 Replies
Bruce Bednarchuk
over 30 days ago

Always. Anytime.

over 30 days ago to Bruce Bednarchuk

Thanks for a very fair review of Grand Old Man Of Rock N Roll. By coincidence I'm working on this song at the moment. It's getting on in years and was never that brilliant in the first place so I'm in the process of experimenting to see if it's worth reviving. Hopefully I will come out with something more appealing at the end of this process, if not it may have to be retired!!

Thanks again, much appreciated.

Hi Bruce,
Thanks for the review of "Back On Track".

I appreciate you taking the time to listen and provide your thoughtful and complete perspectives.

I'll check out some of your songs soon.

Thanks again and be/stay well,

Bruce Bednarchuk
over 30 days ago to ALLAN CORBY

these are superb recordings. Great guitar and fiddle performances.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago


Bruce Bednarchuk
over 30 days ago to ALLAN CORBY

Hey Allan,
thanks so much for your recent ratings. Wow! I'll be checking you out this afternoon.
I'm still waiting for a break. Broadjam has not been kind to me. Have you scored anything of late? Thanks again, man.

Bruce Bednarchuk
over 30 days ago to Bruce Bednarchuk

This will be my last go-round with Broadjam

1 Replies
Bruce Bednarchuk
over 30 days ago

I'm beginning to lose my faith in Broadjam. This is getting to be a pretty spendy ride.

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