Jason Cole

Jason Cole


Previous Comments

Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago to Jason Cole

Thanks for trading a listen and the stars on Suzie Make A Choice !! Keep up your good work.

1 Replies
Jason Cole
over 30 days ago

No doubt! Same to you, buddy!

Jerry Grillo
over 30 days ago to Jason Cole

Great stuff!

Jason Cole
over 30 days ago to Jerry Grillo

Hey, Jerry! Thanks a lot for the 5 star rating!

Hey, Lyfe! Thanks a lot for the 5 star rating!

Jason Cole
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hey, Barry! Thanks a lot for the 5 star rating!

Jason Cole
over 30 days ago to Marla Lewis

Hey, Marla! Thanks a lot for the 5 star rating!

Jason Cole
over 30 days ago to James Kennedy

Hey, James! Thanks a lot for the 5 star rating!

1 Replies
James Kennedy
over 30 days ago

Hey Jason! You're welcome! Sorry it took so long...I tried to reply, but it must have been before you approved the friend request, because it wouldnt send and I finally gave up. Loved the song!

Jason Cole
over 30 days ago to amy abernathy Montgomery

Hey Amy.. thanks a lot for the song rating. I will dive into some of your stuff asap!

Peter Boynton
over 30 days ago to Jason Cole

Hey, Jason.
TNX for the positive song rating. Appreciate it!
Write on!
- Peter

1 Replies
Jason Cole
over 30 days ago

Yes sir, NP.. enjoying your stuff!

Jason Cole
over 30 days ago to Peter Boynton

Thanks for connecting. I checked into SongTown a bit. I had not heard of it prior to reading your bio. Looks really interesting. I may partake someday! I'm currently a member of NSAI and thoroughly enjoying it. Talk soon!

2 Replies
Peter Boynton
over 30 days ago

Hi Jason - If/when you think you might jump in with SongTown, let me know. We'll have a phone or ZOOM talk. Amazing opportunities, classes, networking, and pitching songs directly to industry pros if you audition for, and get into their 'Edge Groups' (as they call them). I'm getting to pitch country songs directly to artists and publishers who are looking for songs for their clients. I just had the chance to pitch to Brandon Davis and Charlie Worsham. No luck, but SongTown gets you in the room, so to speak. Can't ask for more than that. Contact info: pboynton@madrtiver.com cell: 802 279-4347. I'm in Waitsfield, VT.

Jason Cole
over 30 days ago

Sounds awesome! Congrats on all that. My producer is currently getting me into some of those rooms too, but there is always room for more rooms! NSAI provides some publisher pitches, song evaluations, mentoring, etc. I'm gonna stick with it the rest of the year but I may give SongTown a try real soon!
Contact: jcole70@gmail.com

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Peter Boynton
over 30 days ago to Jason Cole

Hey, Jason -
'Squared Up...' is really fun. Sometimes you just have to say it straight from the heart. I like the upbeat, movin' on groove and lyric on a subject that's usually a cryin' in my beer approach. Refreshing!
It's an cool and interesting song form, too...it's like a refrain song with the verse and chorus combined each time, and starting each section with the hook plants it nicely in the ear. I like that a lot.
Nice production values - maybe dial back the arrangement on the next to last section and go acoustic for a moment just to add more contrast to the song sections?
Really nice work - I see why it got picked up.
Look forward to hearing more.
- Peter

1 Replies
Jason Cole
over 30 days ago

Hey, Peter! Thanks a lot for taking the time to really listen and try to unpack and understand my song. I wrote it on acoustic originally as just a 3 chord ditty that ultimately progressed into this full production. I like your idea about dialing back the arrangement in the next to last section. I think that could work well actually. The song form/structure was a little different for me, as well. It just kind of came out that way. You know how that is! I've just read your bio and I'm looking forward to checking out all of your stuff. Thanks again for reaching out!


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