Borrowed Time

Song Description

Here's a little story 'bout a man named Mike who had to do heavy drinking before he hit the mic...

Song Length 3:39 Genre Rock - Heavy Metal, Rock - Hard Rock


Borrowed Time
I've been reeling since I've realized what it is my friends have become
They've turned into monsters drinking anything that comes in liquid form
Can't they see that their livers are dying like a tomato on a vine?
And when it shrivels up and dies they will be living on borrowed time

My friends have changed over time as their drinking escalates to upper extremes
It's so strange to know and see their personalities turn so vain
As their faces age they become a road map of all the pain and suffering
Pickling their organs one by one for eventual display in a mausoleum

It's really funny because if you don't drink with them they will shut you out
I used to be like them drinking and thinking only of myself
Then I realized I'm already dying why hurry the process?
So I will bury my friends one by one because there is no borrowed time
Borrowed time...

©2011 by Kevin W. Maness

Lyrics Kevin Maness Music Kevin Maness
Producer Kevin Maness Performance Kevin Maness
This track is on 2 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Debra Ho Broadjam Ripoff 9/23/2012
Debra Ho My Top Songs 7/29/2011

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