Let's Get Moving Now

Song Description

About the oil spill in the Gulf.

Song Length 3:07 Genre Rock - Classic


Let's Get Moving Now
I try to mind my own business keep my nose where it should be
But BP's talking out their ass and Exxon still makes me mad
They really try to make you think that oil comes from a can

Let's get moving now I can't listen to this vapid propaganda
Let's get moving now and move away from oil

We'll forget about the spill back to business as usual
We'll still run out of gas soon the price will make you gasp
They really like to stick it to our average working class

Their eyes get big as saucers when you mention alternatives
Their only quest is for more crude at a price for you and me
Congress has lined their pockets and oil's still dripping from their hands
On me and you

©2010 by Kevin W. Maness

This track is on 2 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Debra Ho Life Sucks 12/14/2011
Debra Ho My Top Songs 7/29/2011

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