I'll Lead the Prayer

Song Description

If there are 72 virgins waiting for Bin Laden...I'll lead the prayer

Song Length 2:54 Genre Rock - Religious, Rock - Hard Rock


I'll Lead the Prayer
Every religion has a different Great Beyond
Will any Muslim lend an infidel his sarong?
Bet he won't, I have equal status to a dog
If Allah gives them virgins, I'll lead the prayer

I watch them loving Jesus on TV
Collection plates filled to capacity
Are the rich? Just the bloody pulpit
Buy their way to heaven, I'll lead the prayer

They need something, they need something 'cause they're scared
They're afraid of dying, a fear that's globally shared
Instead of worrying about after, do your best while you're alive
Help your neighbors; they're just trying to survive

In the Middle East, the fighting goes on and on
Race killing race 'cause each ones bible's wrong
Just compare, they're all about the same
Bombing innocents won't set them free
They're just another religious causality
I'd think that killing others wouldn't get you there
If any god says it OK, I'll lead the prayer...

©2010 by Kevin W. Maness

Lyrics Kevin W. Maness Music Kevin W. Maness
Producer Kevin W. Maness Performance Kevin W. Maness
This track is on 6 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Debra Ho Broadjam Ripoff 9/23/2012
SexyLexy My Top Songs 7/27/2012
Debra Ho Top 15 3/22/2012
Debra Ho Top 10 1/28/2012
Debra Ho Life Sucks 12/14/2011
Debra Ho My Top Songs 12/3/2011

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