I Need You

Song Length 3:14 Genre Rock - General


My glass is empty, or is it half-full?
Never know when you're playing the fool
My heart is aching, and I don't know why
I need you...

I'm always whining and complaining and such
But being honest, I can't bitch about much
I am so lucky that you're in my life
I need you...

I need you like the day needs night
I need you when the stars shine bright
I'm helpless and cold without you, I need you...

I've got a dream that eats me away
Try not to show it day after day
I'm working hard to make it come true
I need you...

©2009 by Kevin W. Maness

This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Debra Ho The Mighty Kwinn 7/13/2012

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