Remember Me

Song Length 4:13 Genre Country - Rock
Lead Vocal Male Vocal Language English



Words and Music by Jim Best

Verse 1
There's nothing certain in this life
You gotta play the odds, you know
And any bookie will give you odds
That I'll be the first to go
Remember me

Remember me in the morning when the sun rolls back the night
Remember me in the evening, in the failing of the light
Remember me, remember me

Verse 2
I thought I could do anything
That all I had to do was try
I dropped some baggage along the way
But found I couldn't fly
Remember me


Verse 3
You'll still have picnics on the beach
And you'll be dancing 'til the dawn
There's nothing that will stop or change
Just because I'll be gone
Remember me


Verse 4
In the morning in San Francisco
I used to walk down by the sea
So when you see those waves roll in
I hope you'll think of me
Remember me


Remember me. Remember me.

Lyrics Jim Best Music Jim Best
Performance Jim Best, singer

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