Dollars to Doinas

Dollars to Doinas marks the 4th release by madison-based klezmer mavens Yid Vicious. The recording blends traditional Yiddish dance music with original compositions and new world arrangements of old world classics. Featuring fiddle, clarinets, saxophones, horn, accordion, guitar, tuba and percussion, with guest vocals by Anna Purnell.

Odessa Bulgar
World - European
Plays: 33
The Breathless Terk
World - Middle Eastern
Plays: 23
The Bearded Honga
World - European
Plays: 12
Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen
World - European
Plays: 16
Szarvaszo Stomp
World - European
Plays: 10
21st Century Tangar
World - European
Plays: 8
El Zopilote Mojado
World - European
Plays: 35
Vicious Grrrlz
World - European
Plays: 14
Toska Waltz
World - European
Plays: 13
Sha! Stihl!
World - European
Plays: 53
Hogar the Horable
World - European
Plays: 15
Invertita No. 702
World - European
Plays: 12
Serfing on the Dead Sea
World - European
Plays: 23
Di Zilberne Chassene
World - European
Plays: 38

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Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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